Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blessing in disguise

This is actually a sequel to my previous post which u can read here.

There were a few times in my life that things did not go the way I planned. It turns out, we didn't move to the house I mentioned in that post. It was one of those topsy-turvy days when everything goes haywire. Our wedding is just around the corner.

We had actually moved in our stuffs into that house. The first time I saw that flat, it never occurred to me that it would ended up giving me a hell of a nightmare. At first glance it appeared sort of homey and cozy. I could even pictured myself cooking in its kitchen, my future husband and I decorating its living space or just hanging out at the balcony. So what was the reason it turned out to be a bad idea?

The landlord (whom I mentioned was my ex-schoolmate) accepted an agreed amount of RM950.00 as a deposit and the lease agreement was signed by my fiancé and I. Soon after that, we moved our stuffs in and cleaned the place. The landlord was generous enough to supply us with 2 buckets of wall paints, which turned out we didn't really use.

My fiancé was so excited at the idea of having a place together to the extend he bought this very strong chemical (not that expensive but you know what I mean) and washed the whole place like a maniac.

It turned out to be such a waste of effort as we did not even wait for a month to finally set up for an appointment again with the landlord to refund our deposit and return the house keys. The moment I stepped foot in its wet kitchen area, I know I distaste this flat. Don't get me wrong. I am not like that spoilt-and-rich-girl-who-can't-bear-living-a-poor-life person. I am not even rich to begin with. My mom's old place was a simple place too and there were nothing to brag about but I still grew up a happy person.

This was an exceptional case. The place was simply smelly, damp and dirty, no matter how much amount of chemicals you apply. There was this one small hole (which function I suspected was to release the water, since it was a wet kitchen) that sort of gave me a creepy feeling, contains a habitat of cockroaches. Gross!

Its kitchen did not even had a proper water-basin to begin with. My fiancé was trying to clean the basin when half part of it fell off and just hanging crookedly waiting for the other half to fall off completely. Frustratedly, he extracted out the whole thing. As we were not financially stable, we had to bear with all the defects and just faked the happiness.

We thought that maybe we were destined to live in this flat, perhaps just for a few years till we got stable. However, destiny changed its mind when we brought our families to view the place. His mom went ballistic and forced us straight-away to cancel the agreement.

My eldest brother urged me to find other place and said we still got plenty of time. As if we had plenty of money too (-.-) (My brother kept on pressing on the fact that a dark & secluded garbage room was just next to the flat and I could be lost in it while throwing the garbage-the idea gave me the creeps but to think of it now, it's damn hilarious)

It was a nightmare, we didn't have the funds to search for an affordable decent place, our wedding day was just around the corner and there wasn't a single decent house that would cost us below RM500.00 in KL and Ampang area. But growing up in a simple family, I am taught to be patient, to keep on praying and to keep on trying for the best I could to search for other options. Our minds play the most important roles at times like this. There is always a way out to a problem.

About a week later, Alhamdulillah I received a good news from a friend, about a decent apartment for rent in Lembah Jaya Utara, also within our current hometown. After gaining the contacts and set for an appointment, My fiancé and I met with the landlord and viewed the place and finally decided to rent the place. Thank God! It is a nice and clean place to live in. I like that place instantly when I viewed its interiors- this time we knew that we did not make the wrong choice. The monthly rent costs RM500.00 only which is quite affordable to us. We cleaned it, took our stuffs from the nightmare flat and transferred to this new apartment. We are finally happy with our place :-))

Morale of the story, if you are going to get married just like us, do decide thoroughly on all sorts of matters that requires decision making. From the choice of wedding planners, dresses, make-ups, foods, up to the choices of places to stay after marriage. You guys need to consider each and everything from the smaller details to the bigger ones. Make an early preparations to prevent from making a wrong decision like the ones we did. Do not settle for anything unless you have studied on the matters and had considered all options. I wish you lovebirds good-luck! ;))

Sneak into our new home pictures :-) ~

The front view from the main door

Washing appliances scattered in the living room
Me cleaning up the kitchen and washroom areas
The bathroom and the toilet were built separately and there is a small wet kitchen at the back which we use for a laundry room