Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My wishlist - Butik Haleema (Klang), House of Muslimah Swimsuit

One of the thing that falls into my personal wishlist utk tahun ni is to buy a muslimah swimsuit. Like my entry last time, I dah pernah mention about this tapi sampai skrg masih tak berpeluang nak beli.

Beli nya tak beli-beli lagi, tapi dok mencarinya setiap hari. Hehehe... In the process of looking for the right muslimah swimming apparel, I bumped into a blog called 'House of Muslimah Swimsuit' and lately ni asek membelek je blog dia & facebook page dia. Mmg cantik swimsuits yang dijual disini dan menepati citarasa & expectation I.

Dan yang paling best, harganya jauh lebih murah dari swimsuits yang dijual di shopping malls. Sehelai swimsuit utk wanita hanya berharga lebih kurang RM150+ berbanding diluar sana yang menjualnya pada harga mencecah RM300. Come on lah, material nya semua sama dan tiada beza, in fact product di Butik Haleema lebih banyak variety & pilihan berbanding yang dijual di malls, tapi disebabkan kadar sewa kedai yang tinggi, mereka meletakkan harga yg lebih tinggi pada product, biasa lah tu...

The last time I went surveying at shopping malls was at Jusco Alpha Angel @ Wangsa Maju and oh gosh! Swimsuits tu takde brand pun & sangat nipis macam boleh koyak but the price? RM150, without tudung or cap.

But at Butik Haleema, bukan saja coraknya cantik2 dan pelbagai choices, but the apparels are also coming together with tudung and caps, so mana lebih murah?;-)

One of these days I gotta make sure to get myself one from Butik Haleema. My family-in-law went to their shop at Klang & they highly recommended it to me. My mother-in-law bought hers at Sogo which cost her almost RM300 but she recommended Butik Haleema to me. I just can't wait!

Rambang mata tengok swimsuits di web page mereka (hope get to visit the shop soon!).

This is one of my favourite, and if I were to wear it, i'm going to wear it like the first picture from the left ^_^ Baru lah muslimah sejati, cewah!
 Ni pun sweet :-)
Kalau u all berminat sila lah tengok2 di blogspot mereka & facebook page mereka ya! Mmg jauh kat Klang sana... Tapi encik suami wajib bawa saya ke sana someday! Umph! :-D

Haleema, here I come..........(at least I hope so :-P )

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