Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A place called home

My entry this time I just wanna write about home... I am so sad as we are still renting, not buying!! But!!! 'Count your blessing'!! There are a lot of unfortunate people out there that don't even own a shelter. To be able to rent a decent house with my husband, is a blessing from Allah.

InshaaAllah 1day I will consider to buy a house.. I hope I can give something to my children when I'm old.. At least they wont be struggling as much as I do. I would like to have a peace of mind when I'm old, knowing that I have something to give to my children before my time comes. ^_^

Actually, I grew up in a terrace house ever since I was born. I was used to it to the extend I felt so awkward & uncomfortable living in a flat or apartment house. In 2010, prior to receiving half of her EPF savings, my mom bought an apartment & we moved out from my childhood home. I was having a difficult time to adapt in a different environment. I had been living in a landed house for the past 22 years. Eventually I managed to adapt myself.

I will choose to live in a terrace house if I have the options to. But in Ampang & KL, this type of houses are very expensive and people like me will never afford it. That is why most people opt for other houses-flats or apartments. Why do I like terrace or landed houses so much?

First of all, it's convenient to wash the car. In apartments or flats, there is no place to wash the car. I still remember back in my childhood home, I would wash my car every day, the first few months getting the car :-)

2ndly, the thing I like about living in a terrace house is- almost everyday my mom, my lil sis and me, was excitedly waiting for something to buy in front of the house. There will be these uncles riding bikes and selling breads, foods, so many things. And everyone in the neighborhood will shout to ask this sellers to stop and kids will ran to chase the sellers. The joy of having a neighbourhood :-)

The Indian man is selling breads
A lorry selling mattress. Yes, there are these people :-)
And Ice-cream!
Unlike living in an apartment house, there's hardly anyone can be seen in the corridor. Most of us will only go out from the house to go somewhere or simply just to hang the clothes. No sales people,  no noises whatsoever, and that's too bad.

In Malaysia, all the terrace houses are very costly which many people can't afford.

These are just sharing some personal spaces with my readers, enjoy!

The view from my kitchen

My incomplete living room

My incomplete dining space

My cookings, hahaha

My Bookshelf
Can't wait to purchase more items for our home!!