Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Throwback - Over the last weekend 31/5/2013 - 2/6/2013 ~ Napi & Mira in the house!!

My favourite nephew & my youngest sister had a sleepover at our place last weekend. It was a very packed weekend with activity & the most tiring weekend ever. But I really had a great time with them & was very happy to the max.

My hubby bought 3 buckets of Baskin Robin ice cream (for the 31st promotion) and we all ate happily. Look at this... Mira was pre-occupied... 

Napi, playing the PS3 with my hubby...

This was mira having breakfast the next day... Nyums, I made waffles, nuggets & hotdogs for them... My fav coco crunch cereal was there too ;-) Look at this fat girl.....

The minute he woke up, all he asked for was my ipad and instead of playing it, he ended up playing PS3 again.... No breakfast for him, tried to give but he was all up for games..

I asked hubby to buy me a swimsuits at Butik Haleema, Klang.. I did mentioned in my blog that this is one of the things fall in my wishlist. So finally it was the day. As soon as we reached there (it was very far from my town), my hubby treated Napi for a happy meal at Macdonalds.. He was craving for it.... Look at him.... ;-)

This was the place!!! I mentioned it so many times & finally we were here!!

After endless search & try outs at the fitting room, this was my purchase. Love it so much....

So afterward we went to KLCC as my hubby was planning to buy a converse shoe. He ended up buying the same ones like the one I have. Sweet lah tu kononnya.....

Napi was so naughty and playful at the shops, I got tired watching after him. Running all over the places & finally hit his mouth with a big ball in Adidas store. Hahahah....

Later that night after we sent back Napi to his mom, Mira followed us back to our house as she was planning to sleepover until Sunday. It was sad to return Napi.. I missed him so much.. So at midnight, we all went to watch a movie "Hangover 3" at the cinema. Me & Hubby wore matching clothes ;-)

Hangover 3 was awesome!! We laughed like crazy & Mira was laughing like all the time! But for me hangover 2 was funnier. Look at hubby below .. He was like asking a stranger out for the first time. Nak ngorat lah tu... Hahaha...

The next day which was a Sunday afternoon, we went to my ex-schoolmate's wedding. She is also one of my besties. she's taken now just like the rest of us, so welcome to the club, woman!! That was her, look how gorgeous she was in that photo...

It was my very first time giving blessing to the bride (tepung-tawar).. In this pic, she was asking me not to go back first & reminded me to write in guestbook, Hehehee... So I went to do some doodles in the guestbook with some sweet message for my bestie....

Me & Mira, we had a nice time together. Although the weather was very hot, we had a nice lunch, the food was awesome. Congrats friend!!

Love this photo so much!! Me & hubby... Love forever....

Throwback - Papa's treat sempena birthday KAKAK

This was actually a past event which took place on Sunday 26th May. It was my sister-in-law's birthday & my father-in-law treated us all for a dinner at medan selera nearby to Taman Dagang (opposite of Balai Polis Ampang). At first they forgot it was Kakak's birthday and I was the one who reminded them while we were hanging out at the living hall of my parent-in-law's place. They were actually just came back from Malacca for Shafiq's wedding.

My husband's family were all there at the restaurant except for his youngest brother. It was actually my first time having the food there & it was quite good especially one of the stall which make otak-otak. I ate so many of them & later I had a western food; chicken chop with brown sauce. Nyums. It was delicious.

While everyone was having shisha (which I tried but couldn't blow any smoke), I was busy eating & cleaning up hubby's food in his plate. Hubby is only opting for Suzi's corner westerns & others wont ever be able to meet his taste (duhhh....roll eyes) So I had to finish his lamb chop for him.

So this was the only photo I managed to snap while they were having dinner. Birthday girl with a funny face right there.....

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Days in Masjid Tanah Melaka~24/5/2013

Last Thursday, our family on hubby's side went to Malacca to celebrate his cousin's wedding. I've been there twice before & this was my 3rd trip. Grandma's house is in Lubok China while his cousin's place (who stays with parents) is in Masjid Tanah.

We were off from KL at about 10pm after having dinner together at a tandoori stall where we all ate like crazy and his papa had to pay for everything. Kesian papa, so bad of us.. Hope we can all give treats to papa some time.. It was not a boring journey for me, while his youngest brother was asleep at the backseat of my car, me and hubby talked a lot and didnt realize we were almost there.

Later that night, it was my very 1st time sleeping over at his grannie's house and we all had a night together, a one big family at the hall. I dont have a kampung and it feels special to have one now. However, I was very scared at night, but it was so funny when hubby and his youngest brother teased us with ghost sounds and scary stories, we all giggled and laughed. As I was about to fall asleep, I heard thudding sounds on the wooden floor we were lying on and I was so scared I laid close to hubby. I was confident it wasn't a sound made from his brother as it was already late and we all went silence after some time,I assumed everyone was finally asleep but the next morning I figured out it was his brother, alright.

The marriage official pronouncement started at 3.30pm the following day and we all finally had the chance to celebrate the event. While the pronouncement was made, I felt moved & hold back my tears as it reminded me of my own solemnization day. The bride didnt even shed one tear though. How tough she is, unlike me. We ate tasty foods, laughed and talked a lot, I had a nice time.

We began our journey back to KL at 10pm last night but this time it was only me & hubby. Hubby has to work today and we had to return back to KL & didnt manage to attend the wedding reception which was today. However, it was still a nice get-together time, but unfortunately it still felt incomplete without his sister around. She was working this weekend, too bad, it would be much nicer if she was around ..

Spending my time with his family feels really great. I never had the chance to feel this special big family trip. Looking forward to have a nice holiday with the family some time around this year! xoxo

By the way, check out some photos from this event :-

Resipi Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi

I've been cooking this meal like hundreds of time but today as I was planning to cook it, the idea of bringing my phone along to snap some photos crossed my mind. Relieved, this time I'll manage to finally share the recipe in my blog. Always forgot to bring my phone along...

This is actually a favourite meal of hubby .. when I first got married to him, as y'all know, I didnt know how to cook. He promised me he would teach me how to cook and during the early stage, this was among one of the recipes he taught me. Alhamdulillah, today I can cook this without having to look at the recipe, thanks to hubby :-)

His grandma's hometown is in the state of Malacca and 'Asam Pedas' is the most favourite dish in its local. But the exact place is called 'Lubok China' which is quite close to the border of Negeri Sembilan. Hence, they tend to have more of Negeri Sembilan's local culture; mostly food and dialect and that is why 'Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi' is his most favourite dish.

Sharing a recipe.. so here goes.

1) Di dalam masakan, lebih elok jika kita sediakan semua bahan2 terlebih dahulu sebelum mula memasak.
Jadi, sediakan bahan2 dibawah (kupas kulit bagi bahan2 yg perlu):-
~1 ekor ayam (atau lebih/kurang) dipotong mengikut bahagian, 1 biji bawang besar, 2 ulas bawang putih, 1 inci halia, 4 batang kecil kunyit hidup, 4 biji kentang (dipotong ikut suka), 4 biji tomato (dibelah 2 atau 4), 2 batang serai yang telah dititik, 1 helai asam keping, 1 mangkuk cili padi dibuang tangkainya, 2 biji santan kelapa, 1 helai daun kunyit, 2 sudu kecil garam, 1 1/2 sudu kecil gula dan sedikit air.

2) Blender bersama bahan2 seperti bawang besar, bawang putih, halia, kunyit hidup dan cili padi. Ketika blender, masukkan sedikit air bagi memudahkan proses mengisar.

3) Panaskan 1 senduk minyak didalam periuk. Masukkan bahan2 blender tadi dan sedikit air. Gaul rata, kemudian masukkan ayam, kentang, serai serta daun kunyit, dan gaul rata sekali lagi & tutup tudung periuk. Biarkan api sederhana/kecil.

4) Setelah beberapa minit & kelihatan sedikit asap putih keluar dari periuk, buka tudung periuk dan gaul rata. Masukkan asam keping, garam & gula. Setelah ayam & kentang dipastikan telah masak, masukkan santan kelapa dan gaul sehingga santan masak (lebih kurang 10 minit) kemudian masukkan tomato dan setelah gaul seketika, rasa kuah. Jika tawar, masukkan sedikit garam lagi. Jika terasa masam, keluarkan semula asam keping. Manakala jika terlalu pedas pula, masukkan sedikit lagi gula. Tutup api & hidang!

 Nyums!! Pedas berapi ... Selamat mencuba :-)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pati Delima Gulshan & Pati Kurma Sahra

People say; sharing is caring..........

So just sharing my personal experience with all of you; taking these wonderful remedies called "Pati Delima Gulshan" & "Pati Kurma Sahra" are very beneficial for me and I hope you will also benefited from them too, InshaAllah....


In English Pati Delima is called, "Pomegranate concentrated liquid". It is believed and trusted to be 100% pure, particularly this brand called "Gulshan" which is imported from Turkey. For other brands; I hope you make some research & study first before consumption. I'm personally taking this "Gulshan" brand.

There are many benefits provided from this supplement; yes, you can consider it as a supplement, and you can consume it each and every day of your daily lives, and make it one of your best friend. I came across this beneficial remedy from my friend's post in Facebook, and it was said to be able to strengthen a woman's uterus. Planning to conceive, I thought it was a good idea to try this. I'm taking it regularly everyday; 1 spoonful each in the morning before breakfast & before bed. The result? It makes sure you defecate every single morning. Easy bowel movement=healthy. At least that is the major result I could feel.

This fruit was mentioned 3 times in the Holy Quran. Here's a blog where you can find other benefits of this product (both bm&english infos are available); http://panduan4u.blogspot.com/2012/03/pati-delima-gulsan-pati-delima-gulsan.html

I bought this from the same shop I bought my Habatussauda, and it only cost RM13 for a bottle of 250ml. Over the internet, I came to know that the price is very much higher than this. But if it's not that easy for you to get this, buying online is a good option.

I'm sorry I had to take this picture from mudah.my, I couldn't find any picture showing the same product that I'm consuming apart from this particular picture by mudah. This is just to show you guys it's exactly the same with the one I am taking; Pati Kurma Sahra.

This fruit is also mentioned in the Holy Quran, hence, I feel the need of making this as one of the health supplement I'm taking in my daily life. It is believed to give so much of benefits; which you can study from this blog, http://yatt-lateef.blogspot.com/2011/01/pati-kurma-khasiat-kesihatan-dan.html (only bm available)

All the best! Take Care :-)