Monday, August 27, 2012

Moving out from mom's place~ Preparation

After married, my husband and I are planning to live together in a rented house in Taman Kosas just within the area of my current hometown. All the arrangements are made, and we are just waiting for the house owner to pass us the key. It should be by this week. Alhamdulillah, I thank God for this smooth journey.

We had actually started searching since a few months back. Everyday I will browse, & lots of other sites, to search the right house for rent. I was still working in iProperty at that time and had been in contact with few of the agents. In fact, we had went to have a look at a few houses with the agents but they were very costly and requires an advance payment double the figure we expected. 

Luckily, this house in Taman Kosas we only need to pay a very affordable monthly rent, thanks to my ex-schoolmate who is the house owner ;-) This is just a simple house & I think it's good enough for the early stage of marriage.

I feel blessed with my life, Alhamdulillah :-) In terms of the preparations to move out from my mom's house, there is nothing much to do as I don't have that much of stuffs.. My stuffs are mostly novels and clothes. So, using the few boxes that my fiance supplied to me, already sufficient enough to accommodate all my stuffs.

Lucky for me and fiancé, our mothers had been so kind enough to supply us some of their house belongings such as kitchenware and other household items.. All the items are still in good conditions and we are so happy for their kind help.. 

My fiancé and I will just carry all the items by ourselves with the help of our siblings. Due to the light packing  we don't need a lorry. We'll just use my car. In fact, there is no furniture yet as we are planning to buy the furniture after we came back from Honeymoon.

This house is just a simple flat, around 500 sq ft. There's a 2 balconies, 1 is at the living room which gives a view of the main road, and 1 is at the back of the kitchen, which is suitable for washing and drying of clothes.. The house have 2 bedrooms, which are the similar sizes. Our bedroom doesn't have a ceiling fan, but my fiancé planned to install an air-conditioning, so I guess that will do it.

We are planning to buy a house afterwards, giving ourselves around 1 year to save up for some buying deposits. Basically that's all for the preparations. Later I will update some pictures of the house interiors... Till then ;-)

My stuffs. Just a few small boxes to accommodate my clothes, handbags, shoes n my novels

So sad to leave my room behind... Sobs sobss... Will miss my mom's place...

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