Sunday, May 19, 2013

Over the last weekend 4

I am so glad finally AI is overrr but I'm also sad at the same time, I mean, it had been one of the things that I looked forward to update in my blog every single week since last January. There's nothing really catch my interest right now to update in my blog so we'll just have to wait and see if something comes along.

So over this weekend, my favourite nephew had a sleepover at my place for the first time. Me & hubby took him for a small shopping spree & we bought him things. At home, he was preoccupied with my iPad, playing Angry Bird all the time. He breathe it, ate it, hugged it, like ALL THE TIME. It was very easy though ... to babysit him, I wont have to do much.

Sleepy head .........

Hubby just couldn't stop asking me do I want a laptop? He knew in my heart that I really want it all along, he knew me by heart. I tried to hide my feelings, but he knew me too well. That's what I love about hubby. So yesterday evening he went off from office a bit earlier & after I dropped by at my mom's place to send Napi home, we both went to Lowyat Mall and finally after 3 hours of endless searched, we found the right purchase.

He bought me a Lenovo ideapad z400 touch which only cost him RM1499, how cheap is that, for a 14 and 1/2 inches screen. I was ecstatic! It was definitely lower than his budget & due to that, I was all up for it.

He knew I'm so happy and he kept on teasing me that this wasn't mine. I just love it so much. Now, I can write like all the time :-) This wasn't for any special occasion but I am so touched by his attention to me. Word can't describe how much I love hubby.

Today I went to Pasar Karat at Pudu, KL for the first time. Riding a bike with hubby, we went to places to buy our things and just to spend some quality time together. The pasar karat was very humid and packed, I absolutely hate it. And he bought another pet fish to keep. It's the same blue betta fish which we're having at home.Tonight we're gonna have a dinner outside.. Hmmm where to dine?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your husband is so sweet!

My husband loves to buy me things too.

Love your blog;keep writing!!