Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Day I got married~ Part 1

8am, mom's place~

It was the day I got officially married with the man of my dream. Finally the day I've been waiting for so long has arrived. I could already imagine living in the same house with him and sharing our lives together. My biggest dream will be fulfilled in less than 3 hours.  I was so nervous I could actually felt my heart beat. My eyes darted at the big clock hanging up on the wall of my mom's living room. I thought the time had suddenly slowed down. It felt like ages!

The Mak Andam (person who is hired to do the make-up and hair-do) finally arrived at 7 in the morning just after the Subuh prayer. Being a professional, she was really calmed doing the make-up. We had some chats which calmed me a bit. I was done in about an hour's time, finally looked myself in the mirror and felt completely different in a special way. In fact, I felt like a princess.

The photographer arrived by the time I put on my tiara and busied himself taking pictures of mine in my sister's bedroom which was more suitable for a photo-shoot sessions as hers bedroom was more prettier and neat as compared to mine. I was informed he had went to my fiancé's place first to begin his job. Apparently it was my turn now ;-)

10am, Masjid Jamil'ul Huda Kampung Melayu Ampang, Selangor~

As soon as I reached the mosque, I saw my pet sis, Nida. I was so happy to see her. Of all people, I didn't expected her to be there. And I also saw my ex-boss from the Russian company I worked with quite some time ago. Unexpected guests!

Our families, relatives and some of dear friends gathered together in the mosque, waiting for the ceremony. Everyone was smiling and looking so happy. I felt so nervous but at the same time I was the happiest girl!

The Imam (person to witness the marriage) started off the day with prayer recitations & explained some responsibilites of a husband and wife. It took almost an hour, and again it felt like ages. My husband thought the talk really helped him a lot in terms of bringing his nervous down. In fact, the Imam also made some funny jokes and all, so we laughed and forget our nerves.

Then, my father was finally instructed to sit before the Imam while my husband sat opposite of him to do the  official pronoucement. With just successful 1 try, Haikal has become my official husband :)) Alhamdulillah.

How was exactly my feeling at that point of time? I can't express it into words. I met Haikal for just 3 months when we decided to settle down. "Wise man says, only fools rush in. But I can't help, falling in love with him" Hahaha...

My mind flown back to those days when I was still a daddy's little child and my mother's behaved little girl. When things were still nothing but fun. All childhood memories came flooding back on my mind. When everything wasn't as complicated as now. No commitments, no dramas, no worries, no nothing but just being the happiest girl in the world.

I looked at my dad, my brothers and my sister, and I finally looked at my mom.. They were all happy. But when I saw my mom cried, I knew this was going to be serious. I was going to leave them and move to a new place. I will no longer come back home from work and the foods are ready on the table. I will no longer be able to ask my mom's helping hand on my laundry if I feel a bit off. I won't be able to sleep with my sister every time I watched horror movies... Everything is on my own now..I started to cry.

But at the same time I saw the promises future that lays ahead. Beautiful pictures.. Me and my husband cooking together in our home, watching tv and doing things we love together.. Sharing my personal spaces with someone I love.. And we will still visit our families, and I will still see mom and dad often. And our big families will be united into one. All in all it was a mixed of emotions.. But I feel happy.. TRULY HAPPY ...

The most memorable part was my husband cried soon after he made the official pronouncement.

Watch our video here, enjoy :-)

 I felt deeply for him every time I watched this video. Nobody ever cried for me before ;-) I hope our love is for eternity and will be cherish till Jannah, In Shaa Allah....

Posed for the camera just after the make up session. It was in my sister's bedroom ;-)
My father and I in front of the Masjid. We just arrived here. I was so glad to see him and he was all dressed up nicely just for this event ;-)
In front of the Masjid with my ex-boss from Russia and my best friend. I was surprised to see them coming ;-)
Inside the beautiful and magnificent Mosque

An hour talk from the Imam. Mostly it was all about marriage life and the responsibilities of a husband and wife
He was so preoccupied ;-)
The final pronouncement
I cried with emotion. I felt touched with this love given by Allah to me. Alhamdulillah...
He cried too :-P
My mom and little sister were both teary-eyed.
I took his hand and kissed them, as a symbol of my devotion towards my husband
This was the dowry given by him in the form of cheque together with the monetary gift & the ring
Posed for the camera in front of the main area in the mosque
My big family
His big family just in front of the mosque

After the solemnization ceremony, our photographers had brought us straight-away for an outdoor photo-shoot sessions. We were kidnapped from our families to do the photography sessions. Hehe...


Sharifah said...

A beautiful post - I enjoyed reading it. And I love the pink bridal bouquet. :)

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Hi Sharifah! :)

Awhhh, thanks :) Those weren't real though, just artificial flowers.

Thanks for dropping by, i visited your website too & will follow it from now on~ Let's keep on writing!! :D much love