Saturday, October 13, 2012

Part 2 (Honeymoon)~ Redang Bay Resort, Pulau Redang, Terengganu

Continue my honeymoon story of Part 2, hehe ^_^

Day 1

Once we checked in at the resort, we placed our luggage & our food supplies in the room. As u can see, the room is very nice. I went to check out the spaces and every corner of the room out of my excitement ^_^ Ahhh... I felt so happy, this was perfect. So our 1st schedule was lunch at the cafeteria. My husband and I hurriedly went to the cafe to check out the food. Wahhh... They were all very tasty. I didn't expected they would taste that good :-)

The decent cafeteria. Even though its view is not something to brag about, the food on the other hand were very awesome!!
Fish, veggies and rice
Candid his photo while he had lunch

After lunch, we went back to our room & got ready for the 1st snorkeling session. I was so excited!! My husband had snorkeling experience before. He went to Tioman with his friends for snorkeling.
But me on the other hand had never snorkel before and this was my 1st time. I was really looking forward to it ^_^

A signboard of snorkeling destinations in Redang Island
His funny face while registering ourselves at the snorkeling centre. This was the place to collect your snorkeling equipment

Wehuu!! It was finally the time to search for some corals and fishes ^_^

Me trying to act tough and went a bit far from my husband all by myself. Hehehe...
He was all excited too!
During this session I didn't see much of fishes & corals, the water was kinda dark and not the best place to snorkel. We snapped some photos though but they are not worth sharing. The fishes & corals were nowhere to be seen.

After the 1st snorkeling session, we went back to our room & had a good rest. We went for dinner afterwards & it was a BBQ night!! The food was great & we really enjoyed ourselves.

The BBQ picture was not in my PC now, so this was all I got hehe

Day 2

As the usual schedule, we started off our day with breakfast at the cafe. I personally think their food was very tasty, clean & lots of varieties. Breakfast was provided with Coffee, Tea, Bread & Bread spread such as Strawberry jam & Peanut Butter, fried rice, fried mee hoon, fish balls and much more.

After breakfast we went for the 2nd snorkeling trip which was at the best place ever, 'The Marine Park'. I saw plenty of fishes and handful of corals. They were so beautiful.

On our way to the Marine Park
The Marine Park
Another type of corals
Close-up picture
The snorkeling experience was very memorable and I was so glad I experienced it. At first I thought I would drown, but my husband guided me on how to use it & breathing was not as difficult as it look. We just need to control our breathing technique using the equipment but it was not something to be afraid of. It's very easy to use, no rocket science!

After the snorkeling session in the morning, there was supposed to be another session in the afternoon but unfortunately I was very tired and slept the whole noon & missed the session. My husband persuaded me to wake up & join the next session but I was so exhausted & couldnt make it. He then continue to sleep too.. Heeeheheee...

As soon as we woke up, we went to the beach and we swam like crazy :-P

Me did that on the sand :-)
Lying by the beach looking at the cloud, was one of d most relaxing feeling I experienced here ♥ Redang is beyond awesome

Later that night we went for dinner as usual & we hanged out some more by the beach...

We listened to the music & hold hands together

Day 3

It was the time to go back home.. :-( I was so sad to leave Redang!! It was one of the best time of  my life.

We again started off our morning with breakfast & packed our bags. Before we went back we had the chance to drop by at the resort's souvenir shop & brought some for our families.

These cost us quite a lot.Their souvenirs are very expensive!!

Snapping his picture in front of the souvenir shop
It was time to be boarded once again in the boat and back to the Jetty. Goodbye Redang!! See you again some other time!!!

I am very much looking forward to our next honeymoon which will be in Indonesia, Jakarta & Bandung for 8 days and 7 nights in the upcoming February!!!

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