Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Day I got married ~ Part 2

6pm, Mom's place.

As soon as we were done with the outdoor photo-shoot session, I went back to my mom's place & my husband came afterwards.. Since we are married now, we could get ready together for that night's  reception. Alhamdulillah we both had the chance to rest & had some nap for a while before it was the time to get ready.. It was very tiring to compact 2 events at the same day but we thought this idea was the best, for us.

At about 6pm, I waited for the mak andam to arrive and do the 2nd-round of make up. She finally arrived at almost 7pm. I thought it was already late but due to the plenty of experiences she have, it was all done in less than an hour's time. 

After done with my make up, she went for hubby's ... I was like, seriously? I thought it's weird for any men to wear make up... Soon after that, more photos were taken by our photographers. At about 830pm, our bridesmaids arrived to fetch us and we were finally off to the reception hall.

830pm, Dewan Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur.

We walked hand-in-hand towards the wedding hall, accompanied by our bridesmaids and the traditional music of 'Kompang' team were surrounding us.. The sounds of the Kompang played gave me goosebumps. I was very nervous and I could already see so many people were standing outside of the hall to see us.

The second I entered the wedding hall, I was so happy to see our bridal thrones. Our wedding planner decided to give us a surprise on this part, so untill that day, I never knew how it would look like. I was very happy with it, and quite a few people gave their compliments.

I was surprised too seeing a lot of unexpected guests were presented there at my wedding. Long-lost-friends and relatives were also there looking all happy and that was the best day of my life.

I saw my dad, he was with my grandmother and other relatives. He looked so proud of me. Although he wasn't able to join my engagement event 7 months earlier, to see him now makes me really happy. Thanks pa.. ;-)

My family on my mother's side were also there and they were helping around in the hall. My family wore blue outfits while my family from husband's side wore greens.

When it was the time for both brides to dine in, I was finally relieved. My stomach was growling all the time! But sadly I didn't had the chance to enjoy my food. I didn't had the chance to taste the lobster because everything was planned and it was finally the time to cut the cake. We snapped more photos, and there were lots of people queuing up at the bridal throne just to take some pictures with us. 

We were all very happy. Me and my husband received a lot of presents from the guests. After the event, we went back to our home. Our families were fine with it & very understandingly let us go back to our home :-)

We only had 1 day to rest, then we will be off to our honeymoon in Pulau Redang. 

Check out my next entry on the honeymoon ^_^

Enjoy my wedding photos! ~

2nd make up session.

My Inai (google it to understand my custom). My friend did this for me. My advice? Dont buy the ones in tube. It was very light, which was not the color I envy. If you want a very heavy red, buy the original Inai leaves and make it by yourself. The ones in tube; the color runs out when u wash ur hands or when u are sweating :-( too bad..

Mix pictures. We are getting ready for the reception.

The kompang team organized by my father-in-law, if I'm not mistaken they charged us around RM300.

Walking hand in hand towards the wedding hall.

The view inside the hall.. Alhamdulillah there were lots of guests & the hall was full.

This is one of my customs. The parents gave their blessings.
My dad's turn

My parents-in-law's turn

Time to dine in. The food were awesome, thanks to our caterer ;-) But like I said, I didnt really enjoy it due to the limited time. 

With my family

With his parents

It was the time for the cake cutting.

His friends

His friends

My friends from high school

Snapping some more pictures :-)

Thanks from the bride ^_^

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