Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Over the last weekend 2

Just some updates on the things I did over the last weekend.

1) On Saturday I was at home spending my time watching TV and just dozing off every couple of hours and just woke up to perform prayers & browsing the internet. It was another ordinary Saturday but I was finally refreshed after the consecutive busy days the past week. I finally regained my energy & redeemed back my sleep. Saturday night, there was no movie outing like usual with hubby as there was nothing in the cinema that could excite us. We are patiently waiting for Fast & Furious 6 this month (Ooh! We cant hardly wait!!). So we decided to pack our bags & sleepover at his parent's place. I was all up for it, I love spending time with them. First, we stopped by at my mom's place. Hubby didn't see my mom for almost 2 months due to his hectic working life. That night, nothing much happened. As soon as we set foot in his parent's house, there was no one around; they were all out watching the election flash mobs in KL. I had spaghetti bolognese that my father-in-law brought home from Genting (he works there). I scarfed down one whole plate by myself while hubby was watching the TV. And afterwards, I laid on the couch like a full snake.

2) Sunday morning was the election day. We were up and about early in the morning & went out to have breakfast with the family. Then we went to the election center & performed our responsibility as Malaysians. The process was very fast & with a blink of an eye, we were back home again & scattered in the living room doing our own thing. We went out & had a late lunch that day in Tesco store and spent time together with the whole family doing some grocery shopping. My father-in-law planned to cook Chicken Curry that night. Nyums! It turned out to be delicious. Finally at 8pm we waited in front of the TV for the election result and guess what? It finally was out about 12 in the midnight and I was feeling all dizzy and tired. We all went straight to bed.

So those were all the things I did over the past weekend. A happy weekend with family.

P/S: Feels like I'm writing an essay for the school. Ha Ha...


Rini said...

You are so funny, love your post

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Hey .. :)

Thanks! Keep following my blog! xoxo