Monday, August 27, 2012

Moving out from mom's place~ Preparation

After married, my husband and I are planning to live together in a rented house in Taman Kosas just within the area of my current hometown. All the arrangements are made, and we are just waiting for the house owner to pass us the key. It should be by this week. Alhamdulillah, I thank God for this smooth journey.

We had actually started searching since a few months back. Everyday I will browse, & lots of other sites, to search the right house for rent. I was still working in iProperty at that time and had been in contact with few of the agents. In fact, we had went to have a look at a few houses with the agents but they were very costly and requires an advance payment double the figure we expected. 

Luckily, this house in Taman Kosas we only need to pay a very affordable monthly rent, thanks to my ex-schoolmate who is the house owner ;-) This is just a simple house & I think it's good enough for the early stage of marriage.

I feel blessed with my life, Alhamdulillah :-) In terms of the preparations to move out from my mom's house, there is nothing much to do as I don't have that much of stuffs.. My stuffs are mostly novels and clothes. So, using the few boxes that my fiance supplied to me, already sufficient enough to accommodate all my stuffs.

Lucky for me and fiancé, our mothers had been so kind enough to supply us some of their house belongings such as kitchenware and other household items.. All the items are still in good conditions and we are so happy for their kind help.. 

My fiancé and I will just carry all the items by ourselves with the help of our siblings. Due to the light packing  we don't need a lorry. We'll just use my car. In fact, there is no furniture yet as we are planning to buy the furniture after we came back from Honeymoon.

This house is just a simple flat, around 500 sq ft. There's a 2 balconies, 1 is at the living room which gives a view of the main road, and 1 is at the back of the kitchen, which is suitable for washing and drying of clothes.. The house have 2 bedrooms, which are the similar sizes. Our bedroom doesn't have a ceiling fan, but my fiancé planned to install an air-conditioning, so I guess that will do it.

We are planning to buy a house afterwards, giving ourselves around 1 year to save up for some buying deposits. Basically that's all for the preparations. Later I will update some pictures of the house interiors... Till then ;-)

My stuffs. Just a few small boxes to accommodate my clothes, handbags, shoes n my novels

So sad to leave my room behind... Sobs sobss... Will miss my mom's place...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Best Western Premier Dua Sentral

During the month of Ramadhan 2012, I went for iftar with my fiance and his family at hotel Best Western Premier Dua Sentral, in Kuala Lumpur. It was the first day of Ramadhan. The buffet was very awesome.... !! I enjoyed the pastries so much.. I forgot to snap pics of the divine pastries though!! :-(  

Just managed to get some photos here.. :-)

My future parents-in-law
The exquisite food ;-)
Snapping their photos just after break fast
What I ate that day ;-)
My fiance's sister, brother and his brother's girlfriend

Engagement Day - 04/03/12

4th March 2012~

A day marked in my life's chapter. I got engaged to Haikal, my one and only love. It was a memorable one sweet day, a day that I would never forget my whole life. 

In my customs, engagement occasion is not an event where the man propose and attach a ring to his lover's finger and that's that. That is the customs most western people practice. 

In my custom, the family from the man's side will come to ask for the woman's hand in marriage and the mother of the man will attach the ring to the woman's finger. And after that there will be food and refreshments. During this occasion, both sides will discuss on the upcoming wedding, be it setting the right date, place, and everything up to the matter of funding for the wedding ceremony. 

My engagement was held at my mom's place, as I am still living with my mom before I am legally married. Most people in my custom will just make an engagement ceremony at home unless it's a wedding, then we'll need a bigger venue. 

My whole family were there except dad. 15 years being divorced to my mom, he felt awkward to join the occasion. But I seriously don't mind about it, I thought just as long as he's gonna be there at my wedding, that's all that matters. Because in my customs, a lady can't get married legally without her father unless the father is deceased. That's when she needs to refer to the list of people replacing the father. 

So anyway, back to the story, on that day my sister-in-law; Sis Liza was my make-up helper. Seriously I did my own make up for this occasion, and I thought there is no need to waste money on that department when you can do it yourself. After all, it's just an engagement occasion.

I am a very simple person & and I don't put on make-ups that often, and if I do, I will just make it light and simple. But for special occasions, I will make it more visible but neat. Most importantly we don't let our natural beauty lose.

So here are the things I use:-

1) Liquid foundation & cotton wool to pat the liquid on my face
2) Concealer - It's a must, to cover any scars 
3) Lipstick & lip gloss - Lip gloss is able to moisture your lips so it won't look chapped.
4) Fake eyelashes - If you dont have thick natural eyelashes.
5) Mascara & eyelashes curler - Only if you are not wearing fake eyelashes, as those are already thick and heavy
6) Blusher - for your cheeks to appear rosy and sweet
7) Eye shadows

Basically I bought those affordable brands from Silky Girl which costed me just around RM60. I opt for an affordable brands as I know I'm not using it that often. And I bought these stuffs from the everyday local malls we go in Ampang.  I thought it wasn't necessary to freak out like certain girls.. In fact, nowadays we have Youtube to help us. Just write whatever tutorials you want and they will provide you with the answer.

I also did my own veil, and attached a wire comb to it, all on my own, thanks to Youtube :-) I bought a ready made veil from Semua House, Kuala Lumpur & bought a separate wire comb to attach it together so that it will stay in place on my hair. If you are confuse, Youtube it :-)

I started doing my make-up by rubbing an ice cube slowly to my whole face to soften the skin; a method which Mr.Youtube taught me. After I had done 
with the base make-up, Sis Liza helped me for the finishing touch. I know I'm not that pretty but I was very happy with the result.

The event started at 2pm but being overly excited, I got ready a bit earlier. For the engagement dress, I decided buy my religion's traditional clothes called 'Baju Kurung' and it costed me just about RM200. I know that was quite costly but I thought I'm going to reuse again for Hari Raya this year; my religion festive day. I bought this from Ampang Park Shopping Mall in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

As for the food preparations for the guests, I gave my mom around RM150 and asked her to buy 'Nasi Beriyani' from an Indian Muslim's restaurant nearby our house. My mom helped a bit for drinks and other malay snacks. Our guests were not that big, just around 20 people altogether :-) Total cost for this occasion is not more than RM1500, which is quite realistic :-)

So I stayed in my room half of the event, and only came out to show myself to the guests during the ring-attachment time. My future mother-in-law put on the ring to my finger and that was the moment I am officially engaged :-) I went back inside my room. My fiance reached the house and joined us for the photo sessions. Here are some of the photos taken during the event. Enjoy! ;-)

Me and my fiance
My future mother-in-law attached the ring to my finger
The view inside my house during the ceremony
The Ring, which my fiance bought from Poh Kong Jewellery Outlet
An engagement cake for my fiance

My future 'Pengapit' :-)

Friday, August 24, 2012

The tale of 4 tires

I planned to update my blog earlier this evening, but something very unfortunate had happened to my car and I was having no mood to write. All 4 tires of my car were being slashed by an irresponsible, selfish, brainless person and right now my car is parked in front of a workshop, 'Lim Tayar' in Hulu Kelang, Ampang, just waiting for its new tires.  I don't have any idea when can I get my car back.

I dont know and I have no idea who's the criminal behind this. But earlier on I was with my fiance in the car just got back from dinner, and when he reversed the car, he kinds of hit a little bit of the back of a bike. But there is nothing happen to the bike, we had a good look at it. But I noticed there was someone standing quite a distant away from us, just standing there watching us. I suspected later that this could be the person but did he had to slash all FOUR tires? That was cruel!

In this situation all that I can do is to be patience and let these people be punished by God. My fiance was having a very difficult time to send my car to Lim Tayar. He had to drive at the wrong lane, just to shorthen the journey to the workshop. We had to wait til 1am late night just to make sure the road was clear so he could do that. It was very dangerous! But he risked his life for his only girl, that's sweet Mr.Fiance :-)

My fiance had to spend his money to buy 4 pieces of 2nd-hand tires which I believe costed approximately around 30 bucks per tire. We're getting married and so much of money had been spent, but still, being a responsible fiance, he did what he had to..

Thank You Mr Fiance!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My first entry

At mom's place. Who snapped this photo? My beloved fiance, yes.
Hey there, fellow bloggers and fellow readers! Huray !!! Finally, I managed to own a blog, thanks to my fiance. He's been encouraging me to write for ages! He said I need to capture every moment of my life in a blog . I guess he's right ! I loveee writing so muchh, and blog? It's a gift for someone like me who loves to write.

Writing a novel was my old dream that never came true. I believe you can't just go ahead and write whatever you want in a novel, as one requires complete knowledge to do that and I don't possess that kind of skills. With busy life all this while I never had the chance to study on writing, so that dream had seems like a faraway dream buried in a grave :-D So owning a blog is the answer to my passion of writing. 

So where do I begin? Hurmm... I don't really have anything exciting yet to write about now. Apart from getting married in approximately a month's time, I guess nothing else could be count as exciting. Oh yeah!! I could write everything about my marriage preparations! How's that? ;-) I would like to share with you about my experiences during this journey of relationship and preparations of my wedding day. Check out my next entry <3