Thursday, August 23, 2012

My first entry

At mom's place. Who snapped this photo? My beloved fiance, yes.
Hey there, fellow bloggers and fellow readers! Huray !!! Finally, I managed to own a blog, thanks to my fiance. He's been encouraging me to write for ages! He said I need to capture every moment of my life in a blog . I guess he's right ! I loveee writing so muchh, and blog? It's a gift for someone like me who loves to write.

Writing a novel was my old dream that never came true. I believe you can't just go ahead and write whatever you want in a novel, as one requires complete knowledge to do that and I don't possess that kind of skills. With busy life all this while I never had the chance to study on writing, so that dream had seems like a faraway dream buried in a grave :-D So owning a blog is the answer to my passion of writing. 

So where do I begin? Hurmm... I don't really have anything exciting yet to write about now. Apart from getting married in approximately a month's time, I guess nothing else could be count as exciting. Oh yeah!! I could write everything about my marriage preparations! How's that? ;-) I would like to share with you about my experiences during this journey of relationship and preparations of my wedding day. Check out my next entry <3


Sarah Tan said...

I agree, in order to write a novel, one needs to acquire complete literature knowledge and writing skills. However, blogs don't need that. Just write whatever you love doing and anything, it will be enjoyable! Good luck!

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Hi Sarah!

Yes I couldn't agree more. Thanks for leaving the comment!! ^_^