Saturday, May 25, 2013

Days in Masjid Tanah Melaka~24/5/2013

Last Thursday, our family on hubby's side went to Malacca to celebrate his cousin's wedding. I've been there twice before & this was my 3rd trip. Grandma's house is in Lubok China while his cousin's place (who stays with parents) is in Masjid Tanah.

We were off from KL at about 10pm after having dinner together at a tandoori stall where we all ate like crazy and his papa had to pay for everything. Kesian papa, so bad of us.. Hope we can all give treats to papa some time.. It was not a boring journey for me, while his youngest brother was asleep at the backseat of my car, me and hubby talked a lot and didnt realize we were almost there.

Later that night, it was my very 1st time sleeping over at his grannie's house and we all had a night together, a one big family at the hall. I dont have a kampung and it feels special to have one now. However, I was very scared at night, but it was so funny when hubby and his youngest brother teased us with ghost sounds and scary stories, we all giggled and laughed. As I was about to fall asleep, I heard thudding sounds on the wooden floor we were lying on and I was so scared I laid close to hubby. I was confident it wasn't a sound made from his brother as it was already late and we all went silence after some time,I assumed everyone was finally asleep but the next morning I figured out it was his brother, alright.

The marriage official pronouncement started at 3.30pm the following day and we all finally had the chance to celebrate the event. While the pronouncement was made, I felt moved & hold back my tears as it reminded me of my own solemnization day. The bride didnt even shed one tear though. How tough she is, unlike me. We ate tasty foods, laughed and talked a lot, I had a nice time.

We began our journey back to KL at 10pm last night but this time it was only me & hubby. Hubby has to work today and we had to return back to KL & didnt manage to attend the wedding reception which was today. However, it was still a nice get-together time, but unfortunately it still felt incomplete without his sister around. She was working this weekend, too bad, it would be much nicer if she was around ..

Spending my time with his family feels really great. I never had the chance to feel this special big family trip. Looking forward to have a nice holiday with the family some time around this year! xoxo

By the way, check out some photos from this event :-

Resipi Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi

I've been cooking this meal like hundreds of time but today as I was planning to cook it, the idea of bringing my phone along to snap some photos crossed my mind. Relieved, this time I'll manage to finally share the recipe in my blog. Always forgot to bring my phone along...

This is actually a favourite meal of hubby .. when I first got married to him, as y'all know, I didnt know how to cook. He promised me he would teach me how to cook and during the early stage, this was among one of the recipes he taught me. Alhamdulillah, today I can cook this without having to look at the recipe, thanks to hubby :-)

His grandma's hometown is in the state of Malacca and 'Asam Pedas' is the most favourite dish in its local. But the exact place is called 'Lubok China' which is quite close to the border of Negeri Sembilan. Hence, they tend to have more of Negeri Sembilan's local culture; mostly food and dialect and that is why 'Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi' is his most favourite dish.

Sharing a recipe.. so here goes.

1) Di dalam masakan, lebih elok jika kita sediakan semua bahan2 terlebih dahulu sebelum mula memasak.
Jadi, sediakan bahan2 dibawah (kupas kulit bagi bahan2 yg perlu):-
~1 ekor ayam (atau lebih/kurang) dipotong mengikut bahagian, 1 biji bawang besar, 2 ulas bawang putih, 1 inci halia, 4 batang kecil kunyit hidup, 4 biji kentang (dipotong ikut suka), 4 biji tomato (dibelah 2 atau 4), 2 batang serai yang telah dititik, 1 helai asam keping, 1 mangkuk cili padi dibuang tangkainya, 2 biji santan kelapa, 1 helai daun kunyit, 2 sudu kecil garam, 1 1/2 sudu kecil gula dan sedikit air.

2) Blender bersama bahan2 seperti bawang besar, bawang putih, halia, kunyit hidup dan cili padi. Ketika blender, masukkan sedikit air bagi memudahkan proses mengisar.

3) Panaskan 1 senduk minyak didalam periuk. Masukkan bahan2 blender tadi dan sedikit air. Gaul rata, kemudian masukkan ayam, kentang, serai serta daun kunyit, dan gaul rata sekali lagi & tutup tudung periuk. Biarkan api sederhana/kecil.

4) Setelah beberapa minit & kelihatan sedikit asap putih keluar dari periuk, buka tudung periuk dan gaul rata. Masukkan asam keping, garam & gula. Setelah ayam & kentang dipastikan telah masak, masukkan santan kelapa dan gaul sehingga santan masak (lebih kurang 10 minit) kemudian masukkan tomato dan setelah gaul seketika, rasa kuah. Jika tawar, masukkan sedikit garam lagi. Jika terasa masam, keluarkan semula asam keping. Manakala jika terlalu pedas pula, masukkan sedikit lagi gula. Tutup api & hidang!

 Nyums!! Pedas berapi ... Selamat mencuba :-)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pati Delima Gulshan & Pati Kurma Sahra

People say; sharing is caring..........

So just sharing my personal experience with all of you; taking these wonderful remedies called "Pati Delima Gulshan" & "Pati Kurma Sahra" are very beneficial for me and I hope you will also benefited from them too, InshaAllah....


In English Pati Delima is called, "Pomegranate concentrated liquid". It is believed and trusted to be 100% pure, particularly this brand called "Gulshan" which is imported from Turkey. For other brands; I hope you make some research & study first before consumption. I'm personally taking this "Gulshan" brand.

There are many benefits provided from this supplement; yes, you can consider it as a supplement, and you can consume it each and every day of your daily lives, and make it one of your best friend. I came across this beneficial remedy from my friend's post in Facebook, and it was said to be able to strengthen a woman's uterus. Planning to conceive, I thought it was a good idea to try this. I'm taking it regularly everyday; 1 spoonful each in the morning before breakfast & before bed. The result? It makes sure you defecate every single morning. Easy bowel movement=healthy. At least that is the major result I could feel.

This fruit was mentioned 3 times in the Holy Quran. Here's a blog where you can find other benefits of this product (both bm&english infos are available);

I bought this from the same shop I bought my Habatussauda, and it only cost RM13 for a bottle of 250ml. Over the internet, I came to know that the price is very much higher than this. But if it's not that easy for you to get this, buying online is a good option.

I'm sorry I had to take this picture from, I couldn't find any picture showing the same product that I'm consuming apart from this particular picture by mudah. This is just to show you guys it's exactly the same with the one I am taking; Pati Kurma Sahra.

This fruit is also mentioned in the Holy Quran, hence, I feel the need of making this as one of the health supplement I'm taking in my daily life. It is believed to give so much of benefits; which you can study from this blog, (only bm available)

All the best! Take Care :-)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Over the last weekend 4

I am so glad finally AI is overrr but I'm also sad at the same time, I mean, it had been one of the things that I looked forward to update in my blog every single week since last January. There's nothing really catch my interest right now to update in my blog so we'll just have to wait and see if something comes along.

So over this weekend, my favourite nephew had a sleepover at my place for the first time. Me & hubby took him for a small shopping spree & we bought him things. At home, he was preoccupied with my iPad, playing Angry Bird all the time. He breathe it, ate it, hugged it, like ALL THE TIME. It was very easy though ... to babysit him, I wont have to do much.

Sleepy head .........

Hubby just couldn't stop asking me do I want a laptop? He knew in my heart that I really want it all along, he knew me by heart. I tried to hide my feelings, but he knew me too well. That's what I love about hubby. So yesterday evening he went off from office a bit earlier & after I dropped by at my mom's place to send Napi home, we both went to Lowyat Mall and finally after 3 hours of endless searched, we found the right purchase.

He bought me a Lenovo ideapad z400 touch which only cost him RM1499, how cheap is that, for a 14 and 1/2 inches screen. I was ecstatic! It was definitely lower than his budget & due to that, I was all up for it.

He knew I'm so happy and he kept on teasing me that this wasn't mine. I just love it so much. Now, I can write like all the time :-) This wasn't for any special occasion but I am so touched by his attention to me. Word can't describe how much I love hubby.

Today I went to Pasar Karat at Pudu, KL for the first time. Riding a bike with hubby, we went to places to buy our things and just to spend some quality time together. The pasar karat was very humid and packed, I absolutely hate it. And he bought another pet fish to keep. It's the same blue betta fish which we're having at home.Tonight we're gonna have a dinner outside.. Hmmm where to dine?

Friday, May 17, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Winner! Winner! Winner!!!!!

This week, the 2 remaining AI contestants Candice & Kree are battling up to win the idol title this season.

I watched the show last night and it wasn't that exciting, except for Kree's performance of "Angel" by Sarah Mclachlan (chosen by Simon Fuller, the AI's creator) & Candice's performance of "I who have nothing" by Tom Jones.

I thought both of the songs were beautifully sang by them & I was in fact so captivated. Especially the Angel song. It's actually my all-time favorite song from my childhood favorite singer, Sarah Mclachlan. Back when I was a teenager, I listen to Sarah's, Jewel's and Natalie Imbruglia's. That's actually one of my favorite song in fact. Although that wasn't anywhere near as good as Sarah, but that was still good all the same. Randy Jackson disagreed with Simon's choice of song though. Oh and I forgot to mention anywhere in my post, Randy is leaving AI and this will be his last season. So sad... AI without Randy is different! He's been there all along. I will miss him.....

She look stunning in this white dress, and singing this soul music, awhhh I am so inspired!

And this is what we call powerful vocal... A fantastic rendition of Tom Jones's song. I absolutely trust her in this.

Today the result is out (although I only got to watch the live show on TV tonight), and the winner of American Idol 2013 is .................................

(I'm right this time, and oh I'm soooo HapPy!!!!)

She deserves this so much ... I'll update on tonight's show later, hang in there! :-)

Resipi sambal sardin

Sharing some recipes again (cooking mode activated)...

For last night's dinner, I decided to make the famous malay dish called "sambal sardin."

It's actually one of my favorite dish cook by mom. Mine isn't anywhere near hers (which is too perfect) but it's definitely worth a try :-)

Come, let me show you the recipe:-

1) Buka tin sardin (I beli brand "Marina") & asingkan ikan dengan sos tomato di dalam tin tersebut.

2) Hiris kentang bentuk bulat (tapi jangan nipis sangat) & goreng dalam minyak sehingga sedikit garing.
Setelah masak, keluarkan kentang & ketepikan. Keluarkan minyak dari kuali & tinggalkan sedikit saja (lebih kurang 1 senduk kecil)

3) Hiris bawang besar sebiji  menjadi bentuk bulat (bawang lebihkan sikit lagi sedap) .. Hiris 2 ulas kecil bawang putih. Hiris Halia 1 inci.. Dan hiris cili padi 5 btg kecil...

4) Panaskan semula minyak di dalam kuali tadi & masukkan bahan2 hiris tu & goreng sehingga kuning keemasan & berbau wangi. Kemudian, masukkan 4 sudu besar cili giling. Goreng sehingga warna cili menjadi merah gelap & masukkan sedikit air. Gaul & tunggu hingga sambal masak (sambal akan kelihatan berminyak jika dah masak & ia akan bewarna merah gelap). Goreng dgn api sederhana.

5) Apabila sambal telah masak, masukkan air sedikit lagi utk mendapat kuah yang lebih & kemudian masukkan sos tomato yang telah diasingkan dari tin sardin tadi. Goreng sebentar, kemudian masukkan kentang yang telah digoreng tadi, 1 1/2 sudu kecil garam, 1 sudu kecil gula, sedikit air asam jawa/2 keping asam keping & gaul.

6) Akhir sekali, masukkan ikan dan gaul dengan cermat supaya ikan tak pecah. Biarkan lebih kurang 5 minit supaya ikan masak. Kalau nak masukkan tomato, belah 4 bahagian & masukkan time ni. Rasa kuah, kalau dah okay, tutup api & hidang! Makan lah bersama nasi putih, sayur & telur dadar ... nyums~

See, it's easy right? Selamat mencuba resipi saya :-)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Resipi sup daging @ sup ayam

Just feel like sharing some homemade recipes.

I made beef soup for dinner last Monday. Asked hubby was it tasty... While nodding his head with a mouthful, "mmmmphhh... mmmmm" was his answer. So I take it, it was! :-)

It's not a rocket science. Believe me, it's super easy!

Here's how to make it .....

1) Potong daging lembu bentuk dadu. Kalau guna ayam pula, just cut by parts.
Tips: Potong daging lembu lawan arah urat. Baru daging lembu tu lembut.
P/S: I don't really know how to cut the meats lawan urat whatsoever, so i potong je & daging still lembut ;-)

So after the 1st step,put the meat aside.

2) Kupas kulit bawang besar dan belah 4 bahagian & kupas kulit bawang putih. Bahan2 ini dikisar guna blender (masukkan air/minyak masak sikit utk senang kisar). Kalau prefer tumbuk dalam batu lesung, tumbuk sehingga lumat, sebati & hancur.

3) Masukkan 1 senduk minyak & panaskannya dalam periuk. Masukkan bahan blender tadi, goreng sampai warna kuning keemasan. Masukkan 2 batang kayu manis, 1 sudu kecil bunga cengkih, 1 biji bunga lawang & 1 sudu kecil buah pelaga, secubit jintan manis/jintan putih & 1 punjut sup bunjut. Gaul semuanya sehingga wangi.
 P/S: Kalau nak pedas, tumbuk cili api & masukkan time ni

4) Masukkan daging & air secukupnya (sehingga daging tenggelam), kemudian masukkan 1 inci halia & 1 btg serai yg telah dititik sedikit, secubit gula, 1 1/2 sudu kecil garam, gaul semuanya & tutup periuk. Biarkan api kecil. Biar kan masak lebih kurang 45 minit. Sambil tunggu, masak lah nasi & duduk depan tengok TV :-)

5) Buka periuk, gaul, masukkan kentang, carrot & tutup kembali tudung periuk. Biarkan selama 15 minit.

6) Buka periuk, gaul, rasa kuah, kalau tawar, masukkan lagi sedikit garam. Kalau dah okay, hiris daun sup, belah tomato 4 bahagian, masuk ke dalam periuk dan gaul 30 saat, tutup api. Hidang!!
Tips: Bahan yang lembut masuk akhir sekali, dan jangan dibiar lama supaya tak lembik.
P/S: Tak semestinya daun sup sahaja boleh letak. Kalau nak, boleh try letak lobak putih cina & batang celery time ni.

Good Luck

Monday, May 13, 2013

Over the last weekend 3

On Friday, I watched Angie's elimination on TV. Couldnt take it that she's gone. But hubby (who's rooting for Kree) agreed with the result, he said Angie is already too good that she can be BIG even without AI, and AI is for someone like Kree, who needs a stronger platform to excel in the music industry. When he puts it that way, I kinda accept the result now but definitely not hoping for Kree. I think Candice deserves this more than Kree. I'm still gonna watch the final next week. I know this time I'm gonna be right, Candice will win.

So over the weekend, here's what I did~

1) On Saturday I babysit my favorite nephew, Napi The Noddy. His dad came over to fetch him in the evening. We had a great time together; we played games in iPad, watched cartoons, dozed off, and just cuddled together on the couch.
He was playing the Angry Bird game. He's very good at it.
2) At night, me & hubby watched "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" at FMP. The novel is one of my favorite of all time.

I thought the English character of Lizbeth Salander is better than the Sweden's. But Swedish version is a bit more easier to understand than the English's.

My hubby like this movie too. Although I'd watched the Sweden's version before, I still enjoyed watching this English adaptation. Daniel Craig was HOT.

3) On Sunday, I had an awesome buffet lunch at Coffee Terrace, Genting Highlands with hubby & his family. It was about RM60++ per pax & believe me, it's awesome. They serve Japanese, Western Asians, Western, Chinese, Pastries, & so much more. I had westerns, sushi and a lot of pastries. Nyums!

At night, we celebrated my mother-in-law's belated birthday. It was a surprised celebration. 

We had a great time.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Oh my God!!! Angie Miller was eliminated!!!

Omg :'( Angie was eliminated from AI.

I couldn't bear the suspense & looked up the result in AI's site & got to know that Kree & Candice are going to the final. I cried so much, I just can't believe she's not even going to the final.

Omg.............. I just don't know what to say, I'm full of so much despair.

Watch her elimination video:-

And the AI dies today in my heart. Although I'm proud of Candice and I know she will win this.

American Idol ~ Jimmy's, Judges's & Producer's Choice

Finally, the semifinal has arrived! Being in the top 3, Candice, Angie & Kree had to compete with each other to see who's going through to the grand finale. I am so excited for the result today! I can't hardly keep the suspense! Oh it's another 9 hours to go~~

Who's going home? I am expecting Kree to be eliminated tonight. I mean, I love her talent and all but I strongly believe Candice will go further in this field. Angie to me has already win, and I know she will, for real. Oh I just can't wait for it to happen!!

The show last night was awesome but I'd missed the ending part of it. I went to bed early last night, although I slept much later. So anyway, they were given 3 songs, chosen by Jimmy, Judges & the AI producer.

But this time around I'm just gonna update about my winner, Angie Miller. Sorry! Not gonna update about Candice & Kree here, as I am now too excited for Angie Miller!!!! U guys can find out the updates everywhere on the net! ;)

Jimmy chose Elton John's song "Sorry to be the hardest word" for Angie Miller. It was spectacular. I love this song so much ever since I was a kid & I love Angie's rendition too. This song is so emotional and being me, I cried alright. But the judges thought Angie didn't really manage to deliver as much emotion as they expected her to bring through this song. I kinda agree with them in a way, I thought Angie should trust her voice's lower register.

For the second round, the judges gave her a song from Pink,  "Try". This was again a spectacular performance of hers, although I disagree with Mariah who said this was her best performance of the whole season. I still think her original song "You Set Me Free" was the best.

I didn't watch her 3rd performance though, I don't know what song she sang for the 3rd round. But I read the updates on the net, luckily I never heard that song & I'm not excited to hear it. Although I heard she played the piano on this 3rd round. Whatever it is, I'm gonna make sure I watch every bit of her in the final next week!

Her homecoming video was cool, I cried when she cried at the end of the video. It was very inspirational to watch someone ordinary be where she is now, from being nothing.

So tonight is the elimination night, Root for ANGIE!! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Over the last weekend 2

Just some updates on the things I did over the last weekend.

1) On Saturday I was at home spending my time watching TV and just dozing off every couple of hours and just woke up to perform prayers & browsing the internet. It was another ordinary Saturday but I was finally refreshed after the consecutive busy days the past week. I finally regained my energy & redeemed back my sleep. Saturday night, there was no movie outing like usual with hubby as there was nothing in the cinema that could excite us. We are patiently waiting for Fast & Furious 6 this month (Ooh! We cant hardly wait!!). So we decided to pack our bags & sleepover at his parent's place. I was all up for it, I love spending time with them. First, we stopped by at my mom's place. Hubby didn't see my mom for almost 2 months due to his hectic working life. That night, nothing much happened. As soon as we set foot in his parent's house, there was no one around; they were all out watching the election flash mobs in KL. I had spaghetti bolognese that my father-in-law brought home from Genting (he works there). I scarfed down one whole plate by myself while hubby was watching the TV. And afterwards, I laid on the couch like a full snake.

2) Sunday morning was the election day. We were up and about early in the morning & went out to have breakfast with the family. Then we went to the election center & performed our responsibility as Malaysians. The process was very fast & with a blink of an eye, we were back home again & scattered in the living room doing our own thing. We went out & had a late lunch that day in Tesco store and spent time together with the whole family doing some grocery shopping. My father-in-law planned to cook Chicken Curry that night. Nyums! It turned out to be delicious. Finally at 8pm we waited in front of the TV for the election result and guess what? It finally was out about 12 in the midnight and I was feeling all dizzy and tired. We all went straight to bed.

So those were all the things I did over the past weekend. A happy weekend with family.

P/S: Feels like I'm writing an essay for the school. Ha Ha...

Monday, May 6, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Top 3

4 days had passed since the result was out in Malaysia. Due to the government election 13 event in my country, again I didn't managed to update it on time.

Last Friday I managed to catch the 6pm show. And to make it short, Amber was the one eliminated that night.

I was quite sad but I did expected it, I know good people will usually go. Despite everything that I had said about Kree, she goes through & still wins America's heart. She is undeniably good but I want Angie to win for her music diversity.

I just can't wait for this season to be over, phew! It's been a long one! And anyone couldnt keep excited this long, i'm starting to get sick of it, but i hope noone will get sick reading my updates! Haha. Check out my next entry, till then..

Friday, May 3, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Top 4 Performance Recap

Yesterday evening I watched the 6 pm show but I didn't managed to  finish it. Besides not being that exciting, I was planning to put myself to sleep early that night (I wasn't feeling well).

So anyway, the producer invited Harry Connick Jr. as the contestants mentor this week. I thought he looked so familiar, and at first I thought he was the one starred in The Journey to the center of the earth but when Branden Fraser appeared during my googling attempt, I know I was wrong. Up to this moment I don't have any idea where I came across seeing that familiar look. But I'm sure it was from a movie.

By the way, I missed the themes. Not sure what themes they had this week but I was kinda okay with them; not another boring night.

Angie sang her own rendition of "Diamonds" by Rihanna & it wasn't new to me as I had watched the same performance on her Youtube channel before she joined American Idol. What I know for sure, the performance in that video was way better than last night's. It works better with her band. The 2nd performance was better. She sang her mom's favorite song & she delivered it beautifully. The judges thought the same too.

Candice chose the hit song from Bruno Mars, "When I was your man". I thought it was weird for a woman to sang this song but she made it work. Although I think no one could sing this song as captivating as Bruno Mars. I didn't watch her 2nd performance. But I personally thought the 1st one was the best of the week.

Kree again didn't managed to attract my attention. I was feeling bored with her song choices. Maybe she could pull it off by singing hit songs from Shania Twain or Trisha Yearwood, some songs which are more familiar and lovable to the ears but still within the country category. I'm not rooting for her to stay this time around.

Amber chose a song from Pink  which title I'm not really sure of but it was just okay. I didn't watch the second performance. Between her & Kree, I'd rather she be the one to stay and continue with the competition. At least that's what I thought but it's up to America.

The contestants are so caught up with the finale stress & they were very tense. I just can't wait for this season to be over and finally Angie to be crowned as the winner.

P/s: 5 days later I discovered I saw Harry Connick Jr in 'P/S I Love You!!' That puts a stop in my wondering thought.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Over the last weekend

Missed to update some of the activities that I did over the last weekend. Time flies so fast, & the things that I intended to update earlier had passed like a rocket, & only today I have the chance to sit down & dance my fingers on the keyboard.

So here are the little updates on the past:-

1) On Saturday, I went to Surfine Hitech; my driving school to have the final driving lesson with my driving teacher before the final test by JPJ the following Tuesday. It went quite bad, the teacher wasn't really impress with my driving & I couldnt help feeling sad but hubby cheered me up with a movie later that night; Ironman 3. The movie was awesome (apart from picturing muslim/islam as terrorist), but hubby wasnt really impress with the ending, he thought the ironman's girlfriend shouldnt be the one who saved him at the end. I thought it didnt make any difference whatsoever.

2) On Sunday, me & hubby went to Pusat Akuatik Bukit Jalil to swim and his family came afterwards. They were late, but finally we all gathered and hanged out, had dinner & I was very happy.

3) On Tuesday, I had the final test with JPJ, and........... I excelled in that test! The marks was 19 over 20. During the road test, the JPJ officer was fast asleep and snoring like an elephant. I was glad, luck was on my side. But! If only he could see how expert I was that day, haha.. Finally I got my driving license! I am so proud of myself and this was what I posted in my FB during that day:-

"Looking back, I took almost 2 years to finally obtain a valid license. It's all becos of the urged given by d beloved man of my life. More often than not, I don't really give much attention to adhere with the laws. He taught me so much, each loving day. Thanks sayang #gratefulwife"

That's all for now. Write some other time, hopefully tomorrow for the American Idol updates.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Labour day treats : A night stay in Hotel Maya Kuala Lumpur

So I got a wedding gift from my company, a RM500 worth of Hotel Maya vouchers. Hotel Maya, my company's development.

Vouchers had been in my possession since early March 2013 but got to finally utilized it yesterday. I was so excited..

So it's either dine in or a night's stay. Me and hubs decided to stay. We thought it would be a perfect idea, as it also included with a buffet breakfast for 2, so in a way, it's already a complete package.

Turns out to be an awesome decision!

I had scrambled eggs, frankfurters, smoked fish, mashed potatoes, and a bit of malaysian fried noodle. Of course, they were delicious.

Upon check out at the counter, the receptionist informed us the best news! We had 1 excess coupon as the total stay was only RM399. So, we had an ala-carte lunch. I had Beriyani Tandoori & ice kacang while my husband had spaghetti bologna. Nyums!

It was such a sweet memory. At night, we went for a dinner at KLCC, walking hand in hand.

Thanks SDB for this wonderful treats!