Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Crimes, Mysteries & Light Readings ~ Top Authors of my choice

Jom tengok my favorite authors!! Mana tahu kalau u all rasa nak cuba baca...

Back in my early 20's, I preferred Mysteries & Crime genres when choosing my novels. Compared to others, I got easily attached to these kinds. To me, they were such a page turner & sampaikan I terlupa nak makan, minum dan mandi, hehe... Mom would always scolded me for that..

I discovered that I loved these kind of novels when I came across the "Nancy Drew Series". I was at that time still about 8 years old. The novels were in Malay version by the titled of "Siri Salma"... Hahaha I am smiling now as I type these, cos I still can remember all those childhood memories. As a result from my obsessions with Siri Salma, me and my childhood bestfriends played the series and everyone fought to be the detective. Kelakar sgt kalau ingat balik, siap reka sendiri jalan cerita & berlakon ikut suka hehehehe... ^_^

Selain tu ada gak Hardy Boys Series.. Author untuk Nancy Drew Series is Carolyn Keene. Dia ni betul2 talented. Banyak tau series buku ni.... Beratus2...

Hardy Boys plak di tulis oleh Edward Stretemayer... Yang sebenarnya kedua2 series ni di tulis oleh author yang sama tapi untuk nak buat publisiti lebih sikit dia buat lah dua nama , satu perempuan satu lelaki, WEIRD.

Nancy Drew Series & The Hardy Boys, both were Mysteries & Crimes Genres

When I get older & preferred more English reading, I started to collect books from Nancy Drew Series. Tapi masa reached my teenage years, I dah tak minat sgt Nancy Drew and started to go for other authors, like Sidney Sheldon, Andrea Kane, etc.

So, in Mysteries & Crimes genres, 3 top authors I'd ever come across so far are~

1.  Andrea Kane
~ Full of actions, twisted endings & satisfyingly gives the right impacts, no disgusting scenes, thoroughly studied on every facts first before making a novel.
Andrea Kane

Semua buku Andrea Kane kat atas ni I dh baca. 'Twisted' best tapi simple. It was more for a light reading. Paling best is "I'll be watching you' and 'Run for your life'...

 2. Sidney Sheldon
~ Exciting, Action packed, cerita dia mostly mesti ada libatkan lawyer, court rooms, mmg best!

The late talented Sidney Sheldon

Cuba baca if u minat misteri....

Paling best ~ Memories of midnight

3. And finally my choice yang ke 3..!!!!

~~~~>   Stieg Larsson!!!

Nama mcm kenal, buku mana dia tulis? The late Stieg Larsson (Passed away masa usia dia masih muda, sayangkan... mmm) had produced a handful of novels but ada 3 novels yang jadi bestseller and hit gilaaaa sampai jadi movie:~

The late Stieg Larsson

Jeng Jeng Jeng.... 3 novels dia yang hit tu adalahhhhhh~~

Mesti u tahu kan debut novels ni... Mmg famous gila!! ^_^ Cuba baca, mmg best sgt!

As I got older, I could no longer relate to these kind of novels. I could no longer read something so heavy like solving a mystery. I prefer light reading now and more to romance, comedies and love stories.

In this genre, I prefer novels2 dari Cecelia Ahern.. Dia ni anak kepada Perdana Menteri Ireland.. Novel dia mostly amek scene kat Ireland and watak2 Irish people... Salah 1 yang famous sampai jadi movie ~ P/s, I love You! tapi citer ni sedih, I cried mcm gila... :'(

Cecelia Ahern

I read all 3 and they were awesome, especially Rosie Dunne...

In 2012 end of the year, I discovered Emily Giffin... I love her writings so much and so far I only got 2 of her novels. Will surely look for more!!

I highly suggest this author to u girls.  Novels dia pun are one of those yang adapted to films..

Emily Giffin

The duo series. Dua2 citer ni related. Mmg best and something borrowed dah jadi movie pun...

So cuba lah find one of their books mentioned here k! Kalau u come across any titles yang interesting let me know!



my goodness... your book collection leaves me in awe......... way to go girl!

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Nono, all the illustrations above were taken from google ^_^ i borrowed some of 'em from friends, basically bukan semua sha ada... I read them all but bukan semua in my possession :-)