Thursday, January 17, 2013

Miscarried episodes~ The home traditional way

Following the event of my loss I experienced the other day, I finally miscarried naturally on Friday, 11th Jan. It was not a pleasant memory but it was a valuable experience of a lifetime.

After the hospital doctor told me that I had a missed abortion, I went back home with my husband and had a long conversation with my sister-in-law on the phone. She had gone through the same thing before, and she didn't go for the ERPOC process, so i intended to seek for her advice.

The idea of having someone sticking a tool into my bottom to suck the foetus out really scared me to death. And I also hate the thought of being disable and half-paralyse during the operation. So, I opt to do it naturally. My sister-in-law advised me to do a hot compress method, which in malay we called it as "bertungku". A heated river stone will be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the abdominal area, and sometimes a bit of the thigh area. By doing this method, the rotten foetus, the baby's sac and residual blood clots will be soften from the supplies of heat and will dissolves naturally through your bottom.

I did this method constantly for 2 days beginning on Thursday, 10th Jan and by 6pm the next day I started to feel the pains of miscarriage. However, they were bearable throughout the hours, and finally the foetus was out by 10pm, followed by the baby's sac at 1am. All the pains that I endured finally subsided and my breast has stopped feeling tender ever since. I guess the pregnancy hormones had reduced following my miscarriage.

On Tuesday 15th Jan, I was supposed to be warded and the next day an ERPOC process will be performed to clear my womb. I was so scared that the doctor might found some tissues left in my womb which an ERPOC process is necessary to undertake in order to remove them. So I googled up ways to do home treatment for cleaning the uterus so that the ERPOC process is not needed for myself.

Here's what I found out some ways that u can do at home, at an absolutely minimal cost~

1. Hot compress using a heated river stone wrapped with cloth
2. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder into your food (your warm soup, your drinks, your bread)
3. Doing some acupuncture process- apply some hot balm on your abdominal area, the tender spot in between your thumbs and forefingers, your shins and your knees and rub them gently
4. Take a hot bath twice a day

Within the days before I should get warded, I obediently followed all these tips. When the day finally arrived, I went to the hospital and the doctor performed a trans-vaginal scan through my bottom. He informed me that a tissue was found still left in my womb but an ERPOC process was not necessary as the tissue will eventually comes out naturally within 2 weeks time. According to him, the size of the tissue is just about 9mm while the minimum size of the tissue requires a removal using ERPOC process is 15mm. However, I was required to come to the clinic to perform a scan again on 1st February.

I was then discharged to go back and that ended my worries and nightmares ^_^ Alhamdulillah terima kasih ya Allah kerana memudahkan perjalanan ku ;-)

Now I am still in a healing process and still need to perform the hot compress method until 2 weeks time. It is believed to help the womb contract, break down fats and prevent the womb from sagging at old age. Apart from that, I also need to take other traditional remedies such as malaysian sea cucumber drink known as "air gamat" and turmeric drink known as "air jamu kunyit" to cleanse the uterus. My mother-in-law had booked a person to massage me later on for general care of the uterus and to return back my body just like before the pre-pregnancy state.

Hospitalised for almost 8 hours

"Air Gamat & "Air Jamu Kunyit" and a river stone

I will be back to work by the end of January.

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