Monday, January 7, 2013

Falling head over heels with Pitch Perfect!

Have you watch the movie "Pitch Perfect" ? It was out in the theaters some time around October last year, 2012. I know, I am far too late to be excited about this movie now but I still wanna talk about it anyway. Hehehe...

It was hands down, another exciting movie ever produced. Comedies, passions, dramas, love, affections, blended nicely all in one.

Before I talk about it let's just read some of their intro.

Read the short reviews:

Beca is that girl who'd rather listen to what's coming out of her headphones than what's coming out of you. Arriving at her new college, she finds herself not right for any clique but somehow is muscled into one that she never would have picked on her own: alongside mean girls, sweet girls and weird girls whose only thing in common is how good they sound when they sing together, in the new out-loud comedy "Pitch Perfect."

When Beca takes this acoustic singing group out of their world of traditional arrangements and perfect harmonies into all-new mash-ups, they fight to climb their way to the top of the cutthroat world of college acappella. This could wind up either the coolest thing they'll ever do or the most insane, and it will probably be a little of both.

Loaded with new takes on old favorites to hits of right now that are seamlessly mixed together, mashed-up and arranged like you've never heard before, "Pitch Perfect" is directed by Jason Moore, who opened our eyes to the very misbehaved life of puppets in the surprise Broadway sensation "Avenue Q." 

I came across this movie by a recommendation from my sister-in-law. She was so thrilled with this movie & urged my husband and me to watch it. So, we borrowed the CD and planned to watch it later. We let the CD laid untouched on the TV cabinet as both of us could hardly made some time to watch it. Banyakkk sgt kerja di rumah yg perlu buat after work & by the time habis dinner kitorang slalu off to bed sbb esok nk kerja kan...

So last Thursday as I was having dinner, my husband asked me to put on the CD. I hated the idea cos I knew he would get into bed a bit later than usual to finish the movie. In fact, the next day was a working day. But I put on the CD anyway. At first we watched it together but I was feeling a bit off that night and I went inside my room to rest. Funny how soon after that I went back outside and cried, asking him to go to bed and accompany me (See how coward I am to sleep alone) and he turned off the CD & didnt succeed to finish it.

Last week he was on the night shift and when I already went out to work, he continued to watch it alone. He took advantage of me not being in the house. haha -.-

On Saturday, it was finally my chance to watch this movie as the next day was not a working day, so I could sleep late all I wish.

Wahhhhh seriously girls it was a very nice movie. Mmg best gila, I got all excited and clapped my hands in most part of the movie. Hahaha.. I was head over heels with the story lines and characters. The best part, I sang along with them & my husband were giggling like crazy watching his wife acting like a little girl. Hehehe. He was excited to let me watch the movie till he served me my anmum milk as requested. He didnt want me to miss any part. Hahaha. It was so funny and sweet of him!

This movie actually contains a lot of accapella performance but it was way cooler than any other similar genres. It was not a musical film though. I know, I hate that too, like Les Miserables hahaha... U will get goosebumps when u heard 'em sing. Really, such talented casts.

I discovered a new face, Rebel Wilson, a truly funny character. Well she is not someone new in the industry but I noticed her by last year. She starred in 'What to expect when you are expecting', 'Bridesmaid' & this Pitch Perfect movie as far as I know. Her character had always been a comedy, or so I noticed, and she could deliver such a big impact.

This was her in Pitch Perfect, doing some hilarious mermaid dancing in the audition
She called herself Fat Amy in this movie but I admit that she is actually quite pretty in her own way

U will also meet with a very annoying character, starred by Hana Mae Lee. She couldn't seems to produce any sounds from her mouth, being an extremely quite & soft-spoken girl in this movie.
Out of desperation, she was also selected to be in the acapella group due to the short head-counts. But she always made this round shape of mouth just like a gold fish and no one hardly hears what she gotta say. At the end of the competition, out of excitement and high spirit, she finally produced a sound hahaha....

Hana Mae Lee

My husband agreed with the choice of heroine. As for me, she was okay. U should probably know Jessica Stanley in Twilight movie. Yes, she is none other than ANNA Keddrick.

My husband said she is nice & pretty. I think she looks okay. But she has a very special voice. It was her original voice used in this movie.

Who was the hero then? I never seen him before, this was my first time seeing this face. Again, my husband agreed with the hero selection. He thought the hero was kinda romantic, pandai memujuk & mengambil hati katanya... Entah la... macam kureng hensem n hot je hehehe....

He is Skylar Astin, who do you think?

All in all, my most favourite character is.......................... She is also a new face I know, but I learnt in google that she have actually starred in so many movies and series before. Why do I like her so much? cos she is HOT!!!!

I couldn't stop complimenting her every time her face appeared on the screen. My husband just kept on shrugging his shoulder and acted like shes no big deal when I know all he was starring at was her boobs every time her role was played hahahaa! Like I said, she is so hot beyond words! Hotter than Megan Fox!

Hottest and most beautiful girl in the acapella group.

Ok lah! U try la tengok citer ni k! Mmg best.

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