Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My very first guitar

Today my husband bought me a brand new guitar which is the first guitar I am having on my own ^_^ I have always been using someone else's guitar, mostly my brother's and father's.

I was so excited when he brought me to Bukit Jalil. I knew right away that we were going to the famous guitar store there~"Mama Treble Clef Studio" which is famously known as "Guitar Empire"

A few days earlier I had surveyed some guitars through mudah.my & that was how I came across their ads. I told my husband about it & he started to make some selections. My husband adores Yamaha brand. As for me, I don't really mind any brand as long as it produce good sounds. So he started to post some Yamaha brand in my facebook wall but I acted cool but deep down inside I was so excited to learn that he was planning to buy me one ^_^

It was not easy to find the store, located inside the Carrefour in Endah Parade. After searching for it with trouble, we finally found the store. It seemed small from the outside but once I stepped in, it was kind of spacey. I love it!

There were rows of selections to make. Under the budget of RM200+, there were brands such as Chord and Gipsy Rose, and there are others like Yamaha & Maestro around RM300 which were more to classical's.

I chose Wolf based on the shop assistant's suggestion. He played it a little bit & I fell in love with its sound. He said the sound is as good as Yamaha brand, & I trust his judgement.

I was so happy with the way he entertained his customers. He answered all my dumb questions (I had forgotten a lot of guitar knowledge as I didn't touch a guitar for so many years & I asked a lot of dumb ones) and patiently show me selections of guitars under our budget. The best part, I never knew how to tune a guitar & never touch its neck. It had always been my brothers or my father who tuned the guitar for me back then. The shop assistant guided me how to use an electric tuner & guess what? I know how to do mine now! But of course, using an electric tuner :-)

So besides the Wolf guitar, I also got a black guitar strap for myself which cost only RM10, an electric tuner which cost RM48 and a guitar pick which comes free with the purchase.

After we made the purchase, the shop assistant asked our permission to snap our photos for their facebook fan page. We said why not? And we snapped some photos with a big smile on my face :-)

As soon as I reached home, I went to Youtube & search some old songs which I used to play. & I played them but with difficulties as I had forgotten so much! My husband was lying on the sofa while he watched me playing the guitar... Thank you hubby for this precious gift !! I am a one happy wifey <3

*Photos viewed in the guitar empire Facebook page.

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