Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling

I don't know about u guys out there, but I love reading storybooks.. I am passionate about books. U can just leave me at a bookstore, I could stay there for hours, even for days.

I started reading ever since I was about 7. When I was a child, my dad used to buy me storybooks. He's the one responsible for introducing this hobby to me. I still remember my dad used to highlight difficult words in the storybooks & asked me to find the meanings in a dictionary. He really wanted me to learn better english & to love reading.. Thanks Dad ^_^

Now when I am working & earning my own money, I buy my own books.. After I met my husband, he's the one buying books for me cos' he knows I love them so much. 

Anyway, early last year 2012, my husband introduced me to Harry Potter Series. He insisted to buy me a gift-set version of Harry Potter series, which we bought from Kinokuniya KLCC.

I bet all book lovers out there knows how it feels like to touch a brand new book in ur hands.. Ahhh... The joy of it. Like always, I got excited & and I kept on touching the books in and out. The smell of new books, ahh, beyond awesome!

As soon as I set foot in my room later that night, I started with the 1st series. Anyway, there r 7 episodes altogether. I fell in love with the series instantly when I read the 1st Volume which was titled 'Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone'.. It was a page turner, I couldn't help myself but to turn page by page with excitement and I couldn't stop. I still remember I hardly sleep & eat just to finish the book, till my mom got mad. But my mom got used to it. 

Then I went for book No 2, No 3, No 4, and finally stuck at book 7 til now.. My time is very limited after I got married. There's a lot of responsibilities that I need to handle & I got no spare time to read. However, I got a friend who's also obsessed about HP, she advised me not to read the final episode too fast cos after this there is no more HP, & she asked me to enjoy every second of reading it. & Make it slow, dont make it ends.

So anyway, in my next entry later I will write a review on each books.. 

Well, basically HP is about 3 best friends in the magical world who try to defeat the evil power named Lord Voldermort.

HP was a story about a boy named Harry Potter whose parents were dead when he was still a baby. He then had to live with his aunt and uncle & their son, who hated him so much. They were the only living relatives that he has. And that was why he had no choice but to live with them... He never know about his true identity, where did he came from, etc, and he thought he was an ordinary boy.

His life started to change when he turned 11., he received a lot of letters which he never had a chance to read, due to his uncle who tried so hard to hide & kept him from reading the letters. The messenger, the one who sent the letters was very mad as he couldn't reach harry. So, the messenger (known as Hagrid) came to see Harry himself, and told Harry everything about his life and his background. Harry then discovered that he was a wizard, someone who has a special power which we called magic. So the messenger brought Harry to enroll in magic school and he there learn all the things lay in the magical world. 

So he made friends, enemies, and dkt skolah tu ramai jugak cikgu yg suka & tak suka dia.. Dalam dunia magic ni ada 1 kuasa jahat who was named Lord Voldermort. Boleh dikatakan almost every wizards were afraid of Voldermort ni. He was the one who killed Harry's parents when he was a baby & tried to kill Harry when suddently he lost all his powers & got defeated by the baby. Instantly he became famous, and in the wizarding world, he was widely known as 'the boy who lived'... the baby who defeat Voldermort. Baby tu takde la lawan mcm org dewasa, no... hehehe... It was like, ada kuasa yg baby tu produce sampai Voldermort lost his powers, ranaway and was assumed dead. Due to this, ramai la yg benci Harry and ramai juga yg mengagungkan dia.. Yang benci Harry, of cos, they were Voldermort's clan. But, dlm diam, Voldermort was trying to gain his powers back to confront Harry & deliver his revenge. Noone was brave enough to defeat him before harry.

So dalam diam actually the evil power tak pernah mati pun.  dalam siri pertama till siri 7, mcm2 la cerita dia nak kembalikan kuasa dia and balas dendam dkt Harry Potter, & how Harry and his friends berjuang utk protect Harry & kalahkan Voldermort sampai bila2...

Peh mmg adventurous tau...

Author buku ni perempuan, her name is JK Rowling. Pandai dia buat cerita kan? Sampai adapted to films,and as u all know, movies dia mmg  hit gila... But personally I think the movies were not as good as the books. Mmg selalunya mcm tu lah, producer kebanyakkannya susah nak deliver cerita yg sebagus novel. But HP, hands down, it was phenomenal...

Nak tau pasal JK Rowling?

Find out about her in here
#Source ~ Wikipedia

Check out my next entry on reviews of each series k?
Kalau nk kongsi ideas, opinions, comments or whatever about HP series ni, do drop a comment at my page, u all r very welcome to do so... ^_^
Thanks for reading guys..

By the way, below are the books I'm having in my collection, check it out :-

Book No 1
Book No 2
Book No 3
Book No 4
Book No 5
Book No 6
Book No 7, The final episode
The Gift Set I'm having in my collection

The inside


.SiJariKontot. said...

w0w..png berjela....mice work girl!

.SiJariKontot. said...

w0w..png berjela....mice work girl!

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

hehehehe biasa la aku mmg suke membebel... ko taip pun dah tunggang terbalik tu babe!!