Friday, January 4, 2013


Assalamualaikum my beloved muslim sisters.


Ceh.. Kali ni I wanna share my story about hijab & my experience dalam berhijrah ni.

I started to wear hijab since Ramadhan last year, 2012. Bulan yg mulia ni had opened up my eyes and heart to make the change & dgn tekadnya I pun bertudung, Alhamdulillah sampai ke hari ni.. 

Dulu I ni mmg seorang yg free-hair. Bila tgok org bertudung, I boleh lagi cakap dalam hati I, "ala dieorang tu bukan baik sgt".. & I am very sure most of u people out there pon pernah terlintas fikiran mcm ni.

MasyaAllah. Sejahat2 dieorang, salah 1 tuntutan sbgai muslim  tu dieorang dh tunaikan even though it may not be that perfect. Mcm kita ni, dh la jahil, lg nk cakap org. Astaghfirullah byk2. 

I never even once imagine yg I nk bertudung. But day by day of growing up, I felt so empty & mcm2 masalah. it's like I felt incomplete & something was not right. I kept asking to myself, do I want to be named a muslim padahal cara hidup tak mcm seorang muslim? Sanggup ke nk dgr org tuduh I ni islam hanya pada nama. Dah la nama I pun x berapa nk muslim sgt.. :-( 

Bila I fikir balik why all these years I selalu struggle, selalu byk drama, conflicts, & tak pernah dimakbulkan doa I.. I berbalik kepada Islam. That is our way out. It have always been. Mcm mana Allah nk bantu & sayang kalau we never show our love to Him. 1 bentuk devotion pun kite tak tunjuk. Lepas tu we blame Him kalau semua hajat x sampai atau nasib kita selalu malang.

I nk share mcm mana rasanya bile u switch ur gears and transport urself into Islam.
As I mentioned, during Ramadhan 2012, on the 1st day itself, I terus pakai tudung. I rasa at that time was the best time to start, kalau bulan mulia yg takde gangguan tu pun I takleh buat, bila lg? So I buat. Beratnya hati ni. Tapi mind control everything & remind myself semua nawaitu I.

Mmg lain babe... It was so special. Hanya bila u cuba, u will feel it & understand what I mean. I rasa perubahan diri I ni menjadi 1 hikmah yg Allah berikan.  Sebelum ni rasa diri x selamat & lepas bertudung rasa tenang tanpa gangguan. 

Pada girls muslim out there yg masih belum bertudung. Cuba lah pakai. Kalau rasa mcm x sampai seru lah, belum bersedia lah, paksa diri utk google balasan di akhirat kepada wanita muslim yg mendedahkan aurat. Sure takut gila. 

Like me, that was what I did to force myself. last time I susah & liat gila nk pakai. Bila org cakap tunggu seru or tunggu hidayah sampai, that is not really true. In order for u to achieve something, u need to force urself to want it. I paksa diri I dgn cara baca tafsir Al-Quran & google pasal Islam. Bukak mata luas2 bukak otak luas2, fikir semua yg Allah dh cakap dalam Al Quran tu. Kalau uol nk tau, if uol x pakai tudung, esok yg kena bakar is ur husband, ur dad, ur brothers. Sanggup ke buat mcm tu pd mereka...

There is actually no such thing as x bersedia. What if esok u mati? X sempat langsung utk u bertaubat & merasa utk berhijab. 

Girls, pakai lah tudung tutup lah aurat kamu ya? Trust me, u will be more thankful, more humble, and kalau niat u betul, u will feel different in a good way. 

Of cos, halangan pun banyak. Like me, sometimes rasa rimas, panas, x glamour.. Tapi ingat la that feeling hanya syaitan & iblis yg sedang cuba utk menjatuhkan semangat kamu.. Bukankah mereka dah berjanji utk berusaha menyesatkan umat Adam sampai ke hari kiamat nanti. Bear that in mind, U will always try ur hard to push away the evil voices. In shaa Allah...

I am not perfect, far from being a religious person. But I am trying my best to just at least be a good person & at least having some part of myself devoted to Islam. In shaa Allah lama kelamaan seluruh diri dihambakan ke jalan Allah. Try is better than to ignore & to deny.

Jom baca a good words kat bawah ni:-

A Girl’s Heart Desire

I want to open my hijab,
and show the world,
... that I too,
am beautiful in the people’s definition.

deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition,
a mystery.
and it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God’s eyes.

I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,
make a statement,
that I too,
have a figure and worth looking at.

I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men’s imagination,
for I love my future husband,
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already been unveiled by others.

I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder, and crazier me.
put myself on display,
for everyone to see,
to be desired, and admired upon.

I know that eyes are not just eyes,
seeing is not just seeing,
image and respect are gained,
shame and humility deserve a better place.

 Sebelum mengakhiri my entry this time, tengok la gambar di bawah ni, pakai tudung pun kene belajar cara yg betul ye? ^_^

Jangan degil2 ye.... ^_^


I doakan uol kt luar sana benefit something from my entry ya!

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