Monday, March 4, 2013

Something Borrowed By Emily Giffin

Title: Something Borrowed
Author: Emily Giffin
Date published: March 10, 2005
Movie released: April 2011
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fiction, love & friendships

Sneak into this book:
Narrated from Rachel's perspectives, this novel tells briefly about a friendship of hers and a childhood best friend, Darcy and how together, they anticipate lives with the presence of one another, celebrating and embracing all the important events like birthdays, high-school dramas and boys, everything-; together.
Although they seem to appear being the best of friends, they are a very much different individuals. Rachel is the kind of person who played by the rules; afraid to bend them and afraid to take risks. Darcy on the other hand, is the kind who gets what she wants.
Since their childhood, Rachel watch how Darcy steals all the limelights and as a good friend, she keep herself loyal to Darcy, adopting the Rachel that Darcy wants her to be.
At her 30th birthday party, she drinks too much and the next day she wakes up on the bed with Darcy's fiancé next to her.
Determined that it is just a one-night fling although it's not, she tries hard to push away the event behind her but is terrified to discover that she genuinely have feelings for him and finds out that he feels the same way too.
The wedding is near- series of betrayals occurs, questions of friendships arise, and so much more! Read to know the rest, enjoy :-)

My reviews:
1) What happened to Darcy sure as hell serves her right, being such a selfish friend and all. But, in my right mind, I think what Rachel did is something uncalled for. Darcy is her childhood friend. Imagine all the years growing up together, and everything breaks and crash down just because of one man. Yes, in the phases of growing, Darcy did some things that betrays Rachel too, but was it really that matters? Friendships that long should be valued and appreciated. I think Rachel is supposed to confront Darcy the minute she wokes up next to Dexter. That would proves the good of a person she is, although she will nevertheless breaks the friendship anyway- but rather than to keep the secret for too long, doing dirty things behind Darcy's back?
In a way, she is just like the person she describes Darcy to be. I'm glad to find out that Darcy has secretly doing dirty things behind his fiancé's back too, so it make Rachel's behaviour less awful and forgivable and it makes things fair and square- putting more sense into the story.
And remember, the betrayals and the dramas are the juices of the story!

2) Rachel and Dexter were in the apartment when Darcy rushed in, hoping to confide in with Rachel about her dilemma. A terrified Rachel hid Dexter in the cupboard while embracing Darcy and listens to her story- during this part, I laughed like crazy. This was the first Emily Giffin book I have ever read, and I observe some things about her. One of the thing- she surely as hell has a good sense of humour.

3) Although i got this love/hate feelings while reading the book-its pure, it's realistic, it's delicious, it's fun, and it is the perfect book to read, curling up in ur blanket, making sure to sip a hot chocolate drink by your side from time to time ^_^

2 thumbs up, my favorite novel in 2012!!! 5 stars!

P/s: this version of book cover is the one that I got in my possession.

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