Sunday, March 31, 2013

A night with hubby tengok G.I Joe movie

Last night, macam biasa on Saturdays kitorang gi tengok wayang at TGV Wangsa Walk, but this time we didn't dare to make it a back 2 back lepas peristiwa I terkucil2 hari tu, LOL :-P

My hubby's iPhone 4 was not functioning anymore since the heavy rain last week & phone dh masuk air, so 1 week we didn't contact each other, cuma balik kerja jumpa kt rumah but mostly I pun dh tidur bila dia balik sbb last week he was on the night shift. So ystday noon I received an SMS from hubby, (he borrowed his friend's phone) & told me he had bought a ticket, citer G.I Joe. Penah la dgr this movie dulu2 tp tk penah tau what it's all about laa. I was very happy & excited sbb finally after a week of not really seeing each other's faces, we got to spend some quality time together.

On that occasion, I sengaja prepare t-shirt Giordano hubby warna pink,,(It's true, he wears pink) sbb I nak dia pakai pink. Why did I wanted him to wear pink? Becos I would b wearing a pink shirt myself. So kononnya nk match la, romantik kan.. :-P hehehe... Ok whatever.. Pastu tgh2 ada plans mlm tu, keluar pulak cerita John Carter kt FMP (Fox Movies Premium)... John Carter is one of my hubby's, dh tgk 2 kali pun masih nk tgk lg, apa yg dia suka sgt kat binatang hijau tu pun I taktau.. Hehehe... So layan lah sekejap citer tu til 9.30, then we both went off to Wangsa Walk. Our G.I Joe movie started at 10.15pm..

Citer tu hubby cakap is actually from game. So bila i tengok Hasbro dkt screen, I percaya la ape hb ckp tu. Mula2 mcm best jer... Ada pulak Channing Tatum & The Rock yg hensem tu so layan je lah.. Mmg best citer dia but too much adegan tembak menembak, i got bored to death sampai tertido2.. Heroin dia sgt hot but I x amek port sgt sbb i tau i malas nk update dlm blog sbb it's not my favourite movie. I kurang suka adegan letop n bunyi pistol melampau byk sgt..

So dh nak habis citer baru i bangun, lol. Jahatnye I.. Hubby kt sebelah ternganga2 tengok... Apa yg best sgt, I really couldnt figure it out.

Finally citer tu habis, i grabbed tangan hubby n we both jalan pegang tangan menuju ke kerete, nk alik rumah, ala sweet tak! Hahaha... Tu jer lah citenye... Ape yg penting, I was really happy last night finally dpt catch up balik some quality time dgn hubby, and look forward nak jejalan ngn hubby lg. asek keje je kitorang. I am yearning for vacation laaa.. Hopefully dpt gi some where soon..... ;)

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