Friday, March 29, 2013

American Idol 2013-top 8 Elimination

So, today it's the result night. I managed to reach home before the show begins, thank God! And just after the show finished, I straight away grabbed my iPad to update on my blog ;-) Begitu yakin & semangat lagi I, gitu...~~~ ^_______^

The show started with the recaps of last night's performances and constructive comments from Jimmy. Kdg2 bosan jer aku tgk si Jimmy ni.. Tapi kat US, dia mmg famous & terkemuka in the music industry.

Mlm ni Jimmy predicted that this week Lazaro will be going home, after he saw the slow improvements from Lazaro. I totally agree with Jimmy. My heart goes for Lazaro but I strongly believe he doesn't got what it takes to be the winner. He is good the way he is, but those people who had earlier went home, are all better than he is. At least in my opinion.

So after the recaps there were performances from Colton Dixon and One Republic featuring Katherine Mcphee, which bored me to death. I love Colton by the way. I absolutely love the song that Angie sang on the previous shows, can't remember the title. Tapi mmg best sgt2 lagu tu. Colton ni dia bawa lagu ala2 Christianity sket, so x dpt lah nk follow dia sgt :-)

I was very excited when Ryan announced Mr Urban to performs on the stage, and I clapped my hands with excitement :-D Urban have always be my favourite artist and American Idol judge, and I couldn't help but to feel so happy to see him performs. I thought he did an awesome job! He's one of my favourite guitarist alongside Steve Vai when he plays his guitar solo. Even though I was watching it alone, I acted like I was going to faint in front of the TV. What a drama queen!

So came the results, and Kree was the first to call, and she's safe. Followed by Candice, Janelle, Angie and Amber. I thought, wow! Girl power! Looks like this year, the girls are fighting really hard to be the winner, after so long the guys stole the position.

And then there left Lazaro, Devin and Burnell as the bottom 3. I was rooting for Devin and Burnell, and I thought Lazaro should be the one who must go home. Like Mariah said, she is so nervous for the boys, and that she thought they were all great.

Finally, guess who was the one going back home? It was DEVIN VELEZ! ;-( I shouted with horror and as soon as Devin started to sing my favourite 'Sovos Novios', I cried with tears and was really hurt inside. I just couldn't accept the result. I got more in pain when I saw Mariah cried & Randy told Ryan that the decision wasn't unanimous. They decided not to use the one and only SAFE to keep Devin from going home :-(

And then Ryan announced on the video flash back of Devin's past and like the sweetheart he is, he started to shed some tears. I was crying like nobody's business. I thought Lazaro should go home, I really cant understand.....

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