Friday, March 29, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Music from Detroit

Last night I was stuck in the traffic jam & was rushing to reach home just to watch the show. I finally reached  home but the show was already started half way. I knew it was gonna replay again at 8pm but I was planning not to watch it if it didn't excite me. Seriously x best nk tengok show diaorang kalau membosankan..

Last night show bored me to death. I kept hoping for songs from the new era and something fresh in the market, like the ones we always saw in 'Glee'. Lagu2 baru, kan banyak artis kat US tu... Mesti dorang nk pilih lagu2 lama jugak... Mmmm... AI themes are always boring & old. So I decided that Im gonna watch the rest of the show but not gonna bother to catch up with 8pm replay.

So after googling some info just now, I got to know that last night was about music from Detroit; they need to choose a song from Detroit-area greats including Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder. It made sense why I kept listening to Stevie's songs last night. I thought it was his theme, but then I hear other songs too from other singers. 

Apart from the solo performances, there was also some group performances. But I thought the solos were better. Dalam group susah nk jangka, org yg selama ni best akan tenggelam bila ada org yg lg best. & judges pun slalu nak compare je antara diaorang.

Joining Jimmy this week was Smokey Robinson as their mentor. Smokey were there to give good advices to the contestants and monitor their preparations in the studio. 

As I switched on the TV, it was already came to the duo performances of Janelle & Kree. Nicki & Randy thought that Kree was doing better than Janelle. Well obviously I thought the same too. But I couldn't help but to feel sympathy towards Janelle after Nicki gave some harsh feedback like, "You know how I much love you Janelle, but Kree flew in and made it look like she was performing a song with an idol contestant.”  

For the first time ever, I wanted Janelle to prove the judges wrong. And she definitely redeems herself back in her solo performance that night. She played the guitar which was awesome and her singing was effortless. I kinda proud of her that night although she is still not my favourite.

Hey do you think she looks a bit like Katherine Heigl? ;-)

I had missed the earlier show and I hope you guys can catch up with it in google just like I did, as Im not gonna elaborate on that. I don't really fancy all of them, I'm just catching up with my favourites. And throughout the show this night, I only watched Burnell's, Angie's & Janelle's performances, while the rest I just passed through.

Lazaro was next to perform after the duo performance of Janelle & Kree, and I thought he still does not shine up to my expectation. I really don't have any idea when America will change their minds.

The next performance I watch that night was from the trio, Angie Miller, Amber Holcomb & Candice Glover. To me, that was awesome. They sang “I’m Gonna Make You Love Me” and they received standing ovations from the judges. I love the fact that each one of them is unique in their own ways & all of them were heard in this performance. 

I saw something different with Angie that night. She looks like she wanna show some sexiness & prove something else about herself. I love her the way she is and I love the rock chick image she possesses all the while & hate to see her transforms like this. But her vocal, hands down, is over the top. Her solo performance singing "To Shop Around" was highly critique by the judges in not-so-positive ways though. I thought it was the worst performance she ever does too. To me, she suddenly looks like she lost her identity. I love it when she sticks into her soulful music. I kinda agree with Minaj's critique, "You need to stop and enjoy that people are loving what you’re doing,” instead of trying to act overtly sexy and have fun. “If your thing is not R&B and bluesy switch it up and do what you shine at…don’t come out here and try to give us another side…we didn’t ask for another side yet,” Minaj spouted and then flipped her hair and turned away.

Burnell's performance last night was the last performance I watched. It was again reaching my expectation & never fail to impress me. He sang Stevie's song "My Cherie Armour". I thought it was amazing again but I noticed that he kept on pronounce some words by adding an 'M' behind them such as "Armourm"and "werem" when they were supposed to be "Armour" & "Were". But ignoring that, it was the best that night, at least in my opinion. Tonight is gonna be the result night leading to top 7. Hope Im not gonna stuck in the traffic jam again.

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