Friday, January 4, 2013

A bun in the oven

Alhamdulillah, after tying the knot with my husband 3 months ago, I am now having a bun in the oven! ~Yes! I am 8 weeks pregnant !! Isn't that fast? But FYI, me & my husband planned for it & was expecting it .. Syukur Alhamdulillah kerana Allah berikan peluang ini kpd kami ^_^

Yeah, yeah.. I know it's too early to share the news with public. I tahu ramai org berpendapat, jangan bagitahu org kalau kita pregnant selagi belum 3 months & above. I truly understand the concept & the truth behind it, I dont deny that. Not only malays having this typical adat, chinese pun akan bagitahu org about their pregnancy after 5 months. 

Tapi mmg x salah utk kita share. Kalau ditakdirkan perkara itu x menjadi, itu semua adalah kuasa & kehendak tuhan. Who are we to blame His will. Ini x, kalau sesuatu yg buruk berlaku pada kita, org sekeliling akan cakap "Tu lah, kecoh2 lagi bagitahu semua org, kan dah padah..." As if manusia yg menentukan malapetaka seseorang. As if bagitahu org ttg news ni akan menjadi suatu tanda yg dipanggil 'bad omen' kpd diri kita. There is no such thing. We share good things and bad things with our loved ones. Itu semua lah yang akan menjadi kenangan pahit-manis dlm kehidupan kita. Kalau takdir menentukan nasib kita x seperti expected, apa nak buat, redha & berusaha lg.

The reason why I share this news is just simply to commemorate the meaningful moment in my life & to share the precious experiences that I am having right now. And of course by sharing I hope lovely people out there especially my family & friends would be praying for my health & the condition of my baby. Sebagai ibu yg hamil, I just want to be happy & I dont want to think much, just take care of myself and keep praying to Allah that my baby is developing well.

So anyway, I had my last period on the 10th of Nov last year. As I told u, I was expecting this pregnancy & so, I waited & kept on waiting for my next period. I was very lucky, as soon as I reached 5 days of missed period, I went for a home pregnancy test & discovered that I am pregnant. It's simple, if u missed ur period for more than 5 days, there should be something wrong with ur body, it's either u r pregnant, or u r just experiencing a hormonal changes in ur body after losing ur virgnity. As for my case, luckily it was due to pregnancy. That was why I waited for 5 days to finally did the pregnancy test, as it is more likely that u r pregnant if u missed ur period more than 5 days.

Other than a missed period, I had also experienced a breast tenderness. It is very similar to the pain of pre-menstrual syndrome. Other than that, I felt exhausted & difficult to breathe. I was breathless most of the time & got tired easily.

By the way, I bought the UTP (Urine Test Pregnancy) Kit from Watson pharmacy in Ampang Point, which cost me RM9. I was been told to perform the test early in the morning to get an accurate result. However, I didnt bother to wait as I could not hold the suspense. I did the test in the evening around 6pm.

This is the brand recommended by most certified doctors

The result was of cos, positive. I went to the clinic to confirm this a week later & Alhamdulillah I am really pregnant.

My husband was really happy & dia bernazar membotakkan rambut dia... hehehe...

Morning sickness? I never had that before, but these past few days I am starting to get a migraine, a really bad headache till I feel that my eyes are hurting. But the only solution to this is just to get enough rest and sleep as I will feel better after that. But it will strikes on a regular basis :-( It's so troublesome, affecting my performance at work :-(

Selalu sgt pening & sakit kepala!! Sabar je laaa.. . So far muntah & mual belum lg & I hope I'll never have to experience that. Susah kalau byk ragam, kita ni nk bekerja utk membantu ekonomi keluarga.

What vitamins & supplements I'm taking? Following the doctor's advice at Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak (Masa buat buku pink hari tu), I just consume folic acid 5mg 1 pill per day. I bought Obimin pills from pharmacy last month but due to some complications that I am having right now, my doctor told me to stop taking Obimin for a while, and wait til I am 3 months pregnant.

Only cost me RM10 and it contains 100 pills. U can get it from any pharmacy.

What complications yg I maksudkan? I am experiencing some spotting on a daily basis. I am producing a red, pink and brown discharges daily & that hardly appears to be normal. In some cases yes, there are moms out there who are experiencing such spotting or bleeding, even throughout the whole first trimester. My mom had the same issues while she was pregnant with my eldest brother. She suffered the same migraine like I do & also some bleeding & spotting. However, Alhamdulillah abang sulung saya sihat & berjaya dilahirkan sempurna sifat. Mom said those might be the 'pembawaan' & according to her moms are experiencing different 'pembawaan' depending on the bodies & keturunan. In shaa Allah hopefully that is really the case I am having right now, not some other complications.

By the way, Obimin vitamins r very good for ur health semasa u hamil. It contains a complete vitamins that are needed by ur body & kandungan. Next month when I reach 3 months of my pregnancy, I will continue to take this Obimin pills. Anyway I bought this from Watson Pharmacy in Ampang Point& it cost me around RM25, the cheapest brand available as it doesnt include Omega 3 oil & DHA. Dont worry, this is good enough.

This is the one that I'm having in my keep.

During my visit at Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak (KKIA), the doctor adviced me to drink Anmum, a dairy product to support my nutrition needs as a pregnant lady. My mother-in-law bought Anmum Materna for me from Kedai 'SpeedMart 99' which cost RM33. Kalau beli kat farmasi or hypermarket, it will cost RM36, mahal sikit. The taste is quite ok, I can't take it when it's hot or warm. I terpaksa simpan dlm peti ais & bila dh sejuk baru I minum. My doctor said just as long as u minum, that's good enough dan kalau x boleh telan sangat2, masukkan dalam acuan tepung & buat lah lempeng.. hehe... That was the doctor's advise.

Pantang larang dalam kehamilan? I dont know that much about this part but I avoid pineapples, junk food & carbonated drink (Air gas). I heard people says if minum 100 plus dibolehkan for moms but I still dont take it anyway. Better dont risk urself. Although I got little information & lack of knowledge on this, I always refer back to google before I make any decision on my food intake. I bring my BB phone everywhere I go & make sure to google about the food I'm about to eat before consumption. Pregnancy has teach me to become more alert on my diet.

Do I experience any constipation? On and off, yes, I do face it. The only solution that work out for me is eating a lot of veggies, the green ones & reduce the intake of meat. Trust me, it will work out. Other than that, Anmum also is helping me a lot on this issue. I believe it is provided with probiotics for a good digestion.

I dont have any cravings yet while in my pregnancy state. Other than asking my husband to help me in cooking, I guess I belum lg mengidam apa2. The reason y I malas masak nowadays, I susah nk bau ayam & ikan.

Hari tu ada rasa nak makan steamboat, tapi bila dia tak layan, I macam ok whatever~ terus hilang rasa tu, sbb I mmg x kisah, tapi nk dikatakan rezeki I, tiba2 my father-in-law bawak makan kt Johnny's last week hehee....

My mom said I look haggard and that could possibly mean I got a boy. Haha.. I dont mind that at all, boy or girl, as long as my baby develops well and berjaya dilahirkan dengan sempurna, that is more than what I am asking for. In shaa Allah...

Jom tinjau camne keadaan baby in 8 months pregnancy:-

Tahniah - embrio anda sekarang bergelar fetus, yang bermakna 'zuriat'. Uterus anda meregang untuk memuatkan penghuni baru ini, yang sekarang berukuran sekitar 0.6 inci / 1.6 sentimeter. Banyak perubahan berlaku pada minggu ini - ekor embrio telah hilang, dan semua organ, otot dan saraf mula berfungsi. Sekarang tangan boleh dibengkokkan di pergelangannya, dan jari kaki yang berselaput dahulu beransur hilang. Kelopak mata mula menutupkan mata.

Kehamilan anda mula menukar bentuk badan anda juga. Payudara anda mungkin membesar sehingga anda memerlukan bra yang boleh menyangga dengan lebih kuat daripada bra lama. Anda akan menyedari yang ukuran pinggang anda mula bertambah, sehingga anda terpaksa menyimpan jean kegemaran anda sehingga tahun depan. Jika anda banyak meminum air mengandungi flourida - lapan gelas atau lebih sehari - anda sudah tentu mendapat cukup flourida dan ini akan mengintegrasikan kalsium dan fosforus dengan kukuh ke dalam gigi dan tulang bayi anda yang sedang berkembang itu.

• Nota: Pakar-pakar menyatakan bahawa setiap bayi berkembang secara berlainan - walaupun semasa dalam kandungan. Muka surat-muka surat di bahagian ini disediakan untuk memberi maklumat umum mengenai perkembangan fetus dalam rahim.



Bercerita tentang pregnancy, I nk sentuh part nak register buku pink dkt Klinik Kesihatan Ibu Dan Anak. It is a must for u to do this even though u dont plan utk melahirkan di hospital kerajaan.

I pergi register semasa I masih 6 minggu. The doctor said we need to register as soon as we discover that we are pregnant. So I pergi at 7 in the morning & balik 11.30 am. Sgt lama... They will make a blood test, urine test, and siap ada ceramah 30 minit utk semua ibu2.

Some people I know had adviced me to bring marriage certificate la, gambar la, mcm2. I prepared everything but ended up they didnt require any of that. Just dtg bawak IC je lah...

So my next appointment will be this coming 21st January. Hope semuanya berjalan lancar. They will obtain my ultrasound scan on that date & check diabetes sbb my mom had it once. Dieorang ckp kalau ada keturunan mmg kena check...

Tu je lah from the time being. Wait for my next entry k!


Unknown said...

Well done u had your own blog and don't forget to update from now on....chaiyok!

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Well thank you kak! I'm very new in this & still observing...
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