Sunday, March 31, 2013

A night with hubby tengok G.I Joe movie

Last night, macam biasa on Saturdays kitorang gi tengok wayang at TGV Wangsa Walk, but this time we didn't dare to make it a back 2 back lepas peristiwa I terkucil2 hari tu, LOL :-P

My hubby's iPhone 4 was not functioning anymore since the heavy rain last week & phone dh masuk air, so 1 week we didn't contact each other, cuma balik kerja jumpa kt rumah but mostly I pun dh tidur bila dia balik sbb last week he was on the night shift. So ystday noon I received an SMS from hubby, (he borrowed his friend's phone) & told me he had bought a ticket, citer G.I Joe. Penah la dgr this movie dulu2 tp tk penah tau what it's all about laa. I was very happy & excited sbb finally after a week of not really seeing each other's faces, we got to spend some quality time together.

On that occasion, I sengaja prepare t-shirt Giordano hubby warna pink,,(It's true, he wears pink) sbb I nak dia pakai pink. Why did I wanted him to wear pink? Becos I would b wearing a pink shirt myself. So kononnya nk match la, romantik kan.. :-P hehehe... Ok whatever.. Pastu tgh2 ada plans mlm tu, keluar pulak cerita John Carter kt FMP (Fox Movies Premium)... John Carter is one of my hubby's, dh tgk 2 kali pun masih nk tgk lg, apa yg dia suka sgt kat binatang hijau tu pun I taktau.. Hehehe... So layan lah sekejap citer tu til 9.30, then we both went off to Wangsa Walk. Our G.I Joe movie started at 10.15pm..

Citer tu hubby cakap is actually from game. So bila i tengok Hasbro dkt screen, I percaya la ape hb ckp tu. Mula2 mcm best jer... Ada pulak Channing Tatum & The Rock yg hensem tu so layan je lah.. Mmg best citer dia but too much adegan tembak menembak, i got bored to death sampai tertido2.. Heroin dia sgt hot but I x amek port sgt sbb i tau i malas nk update dlm blog sbb it's not my favourite movie. I kurang suka adegan letop n bunyi pistol melampau byk sgt..

So dh nak habis citer baru i bangun, lol. Jahatnye I.. Hubby kt sebelah ternganga2 tengok... Apa yg best sgt, I really couldnt figure it out.

Finally citer tu habis, i grabbed tangan hubby n we both jalan pegang tangan menuju ke kerete, nk alik rumah, ala sweet tak! Hahaha... Tu jer lah citenye... Ape yg penting, I was really happy last night finally dpt catch up balik some quality time dgn hubby, and look forward nak jejalan ngn hubby lg. asek keje je kitorang. I am yearning for vacation laaa.. Hopefully dpt gi some where soon..... ;)

Friday, March 29, 2013

American Idol 2013-top 8 Elimination

So, today it's the result night. I managed to reach home before the show begins, thank God! And just after the show finished, I straight away grabbed my iPad to update on my blog ;-) Begitu yakin & semangat lagi I, gitu...~~~ ^_______^

The show started with the recaps of last night's performances and constructive comments from Jimmy. Kdg2 bosan jer aku tgk si Jimmy ni.. Tapi kat US, dia mmg famous & terkemuka in the music industry.

Mlm ni Jimmy predicted that this week Lazaro will be going home, after he saw the slow improvements from Lazaro. I totally agree with Jimmy. My heart goes for Lazaro but I strongly believe he doesn't got what it takes to be the winner. He is good the way he is, but those people who had earlier went home, are all better than he is. At least in my opinion.

So after the recaps there were performances from Colton Dixon and One Republic featuring Katherine Mcphee, which bored me to death. I love Colton by the way. I absolutely love the song that Angie sang on the previous shows, can't remember the title. Tapi mmg best sgt2 lagu tu. Colton ni dia bawa lagu ala2 Christianity sket, so x dpt lah nk follow dia sgt :-)

I was very excited when Ryan announced Mr Urban to performs on the stage, and I clapped my hands with excitement :-D Urban have always be my favourite artist and American Idol judge, and I couldn't help but to feel so happy to see him performs. I thought he did an awesome job! He's one of my favourite guitarist alongside Steve Vai when he plays his guitar solo. Even though I was watching it alone, I acted like I was going to faint in front of the TV. What a drama queen!

So came the results, and Kree was the first to call, and she's safe. Followed by Candice, Janelle, Angie and Amber. I thought, wow! Girl power! Looks like this year, the girls are fighting really hard to be the winner, after so long the guys stole the position.

And then there left Lazaro, Devin and Burnell as the bottom 3. I was rooting for Devin and Burnell, and I thought Lazaro should be the one who must go home. Like Mariah said, she is so nervous for the boys, and that she thought they were all great.

Finally, guess who was the one going back home? It was DEVIN VELEZ! ;-( I shouted with horror and as soon as Devin started to sing my favourite 'Sovos Novios', I cried with tears and was really hurt inside. I just couldn't accept the result. I got more in pain when I saw Mariah cried & Randy told Ryan that the decision wasn't unanimous. They decided not to use the one and only SAFE to keep Devin from going home :-(

And then Ryan announced on the video flash back of Devin's past and like the sweetheart he is, he started to shed some tears. I was crying like nobody's business. I thought Lazaro should go home, I really cant understand.....

American Idol 2013 - Music from Detroit

Last night I was stuck in the traffic jam & was rushing to reach home just to watch the show. I finally reached  home but the show was already started half way. I knew it was gonna replay again at 8pm but I was planning not to watch it if it didn't excite me. Seriously x best nk tengok show diaorang kalau membosankan..

Last night show bored me to death. I kept hoping for songs from the new era and something fresh in the market, like the ones we always saw in 'Glee'. Lagu2 baru, kan banyak artis kat US tu... Mesti dorang nk pilih lagu2 lama jugak... Mmmm... AI themes are always boring & old. So I decided that Im gonna watch the rest of the show but not gonna bother to catch up with 8pm replay.

So after googling some info just now, I got to know that last night was about music from Detroit; they need to choose a song from Detroit-area greats including Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder. It made sense why I kept listening to Stevie's songs last night. I thought it was his theme, but then I hear other songs too from other singers. 

Apart from the solo performances, there was also some group performances. But I thought the solos were better. Dalam group susah nk jangka, org yg selama ni best akan tenggelam bila ada org yg lg best. & judges pun slalu nak compare je antara diaorang.

Joining Jimmy this week was Smokey Robinson as their mentor. Smokey were there to give good advices to the contestants and monitor their preparations in the studio. 

As I switched on the TV, it was already came to the duo performances of Janelle & Kree. Nicki & Randy thought that Kree was doing better than Janelle. Well obviously I thought the same too. But I couldn't help but to feel sympathy towards Janelle after Nicki gave some harsh feedback like, "You know how I much love you Janelle, but Kree flew in and made it look like she was performing a song with an idol contestant.”  

For the first time ever, I wanted Janelle to prove the judges wrong. And she definitely redeems herself back in her solo performance that night. She played the guitar which was awesome and her singing was effortless. I kinda proud of her that night although she is still not my favourite.

Hey do you think she looks a bit like Katherine Heigl? ;-)

I had missed the earlier show and I hope you guys can catch up with it in google just like I did, as Im not gonna elaborate on that. I don't really fancy all of them, I'm just catching up with my favourites. And throughout the show this night, I only watched Burnell's, Angie's & Janelle's performances, while the rest I just passed through.

Lazaro was next to perform after the duo performance of Janelle & Kree, and I thought he still does not shine up to my expectation. I really don't have any idea when America will change their minds.

The next performance I watch that night was from the trio, Angie Miller, Amber Holcomb & Candice Glover. To me, that was awesome. They sang “I’m Gonna Make You Love Me” and they received standing ovations from the judges. I love the fact that each one of them is unique in their own ways & all of them were heard in this performance. 

I saw something different with Angie that night. She looks like she wanna show some sexiness & prove something else about herself. I love her the way she is and I love the rock chick image she possesses all the while & hate to see her transforms like this. But her vocal, hands down, is over the top. Her solo performance singing "To Shop Around" was highly critique by the judges in not-so-positive ways though. I thought it was the worst performance she ever does too. To me, she suddenly looks like she lost her identity. I love it when she sticks into her soulful music. I kinda agree with Minaj's critique, "You need to stop and enjoy that people are loving what you’re doing,” instead of trying to act overtly sexy and have fun. “If your thing is not R&B and bluesy switch it up and do what you shine at…don’t come out here and try to give us another side…we didn’t ask for another side yet,” Minaj spouted and then flipped her hair and turned away.

Burnell's performance last night was the last performance I watched. It was again reaching my expectation & never fail to impress me. He sang Stevie's song "My Cherie Armour". I thought it was amazing again but I noticed that he kept on pronounce some words by adding an 'M' behind them such as "Armourm"and "werem" when they were supposed to be "Armour" & "Were". But ignoring that, it was the best that night, at least in my opinion. Tonight is gonna be the result night leading to top 7. Hope Im not gonna stuck in the traffic jam again.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

CB Frozen Food "Heaven" in Bandar Baru Ampang ^_____^

A colleague from work told me there is a shop in Bandar Baru Ampang selling frozen foods with an affordable & low prices. The way she described it, it sounded too good to be true. So I decided to have a look at the shop myself.

Yesterday after work, since my husband was on his night shift, I went straight to the shop. And I tell you what? It is the heaven on earth.

So my colleague is right after all. I was very excited! The one which I got at 5 bucks in other places, is only cost me 3 bucks here. Look how cheap is that. Quite a big difference.

They are selling frozen foods such as nuggets, frankfurters, burgers, steamboats, chickens, beefs, prawns, oysters, steaks and much more. Apart from that, there are also other groceries stuffs such as Ketchup, Chili SOS, noodles etc.

First of all the Ramly burger product is way cheaper than other shops. Earlier this week I bought a Ramly chicken burger from my house's convenience store and it costed me RM5.50. Over here in CB, I got the same thing at RM3.00. It contains only 6 pieces. Don't you think it's very expensive to charge it at RM5.50? Unlike last time, it was around RM5 plus too but there was 10 pieces. Apparently there's no one to monitor the issue.
Then I got myself a 1KG huge Ramly Tempura nuggets at RM10.50. Which I believe is much more cheaper than the market price, although Im not sure cheaper by how much.

And last but not least, I bought this very tasty Ramly chicken frankfurters at RM 9.50

Yes, it's the big one, the 1000gm's. I think it's about 40 pieces but Im not too sure. 

Wait, if you are not a Ramly fans, there are other brands as well, dont worry :-) There's this "Jimat" brand which is very cheap & much more affordable than Ramly, their frankfurters cost only RM2.20 per packet of about 10 pieces. This brand have other types of frozen food as well.

 Or you might wanna try their very own "CB" brand... 

Urmm.. I think I will too, but I am a Ramly lover ;-)

Don't forget to check out the store, it's located just nearby the RHB bank of Bandar Baru Ampang!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

American Idol 2013 - "The Beatles" & Elimination

It was "The Beatles" Theme night where all the top 9 contestants made their own choices of songs from this band. The show chose the theme, the contestants chose the songs- u got the picture.

I thought this theme would bored me & I thought they should have give this kids some themes from the new era. Those musics which are fresh and new in the market.

But then after I saw their performances, I was quite satisfied with it. They delivered those beautiful and recognizable songs successfully and did the songs justice. And I kinda thought that this was the week where they were all able to deliver strong live vocals. It was very impressive, with the exception of one or two.

I'm not gonna go through each performances - I find it very difficult to stay excited with all of the contestants, except only for my favourites. So Im just gonna write the songs each sang that night.

1. Kree Harrison:- “A Little Help From My Friends”
2. Burnell Taylor:- “Let It Be” 
3. Amber Holcomb:- “She’s Leaving Home” 
4. Lazaro Arbos:- “In My Life” 
5. Candice Glover:- “Come Together” 
6. Paul Jolley:- “Eleanor Rigby” 
7. Angie Miller:- “Yesterday” 
8. Devin Velez:- “The Long And Winding Road” 
9. Janelle Arthur:- “I Will” 

My favourite that night were from Burnell and Angie. I thought their performances were superb and they delivered such powerful vocals. Burnell are so unique and original, he has the ability to turn someone else's song to become like his own child.
And Angie, I love the fact that she looks like a rock chick & dresses in black in all of her performances and that she adores PARAMORE; that's just add some more flavors. She is able to sing any songs & make them into soul music. They are both simply unique.

Burnell Taylor's performance:-

For some reason I dont know how come I couldnt upload Angie's youtube video performance for this night :-( Check out the youtube and look for it okay!

So during the elimination, Amber Holcomb, Devin Velez & Paul Jolley were named the bottom 3.
I disagree that Devin should be in the bottom 3 but it's America's votes, so I couldnt say anything about that. Maybe we could change something if it is the judges votes.

Paul Jolley was eliminated that night. I sighed with huge relief. I dont think he deserves a spot in AI. Ouch, sorry Paul. I think AI is dying for strong contenders vocally and I dont think you have what it takes.

I am rooting for Burnell & Angie! <3

Monday, March 18, 2013

American Idol ~ Top 10; Elimination

Last week Friday was the result for the other night's show.
I waited in front of the TV for the result & was even willing to put aside all my chores just to catch up with the result.
It turned out that the result really disappoint me, it made me frustrated!

So who's going back? C.U.R.T.I.S FINCH JR!!!! arghhhhh Nooooo :(((

I cannot believe it... Come on America...

I dont have anything much more to say, but I am very disappointed. And the fact that the judges didnt wanna use their one and only chance to retain an eliminated contestant, really pissed me off to death :(( I mean, they have always rooting for Curtis, always counting on him, saying he's the best contestant in this competition and all, but at the end when he goes, the judges didnt do anything about it. Nicki was obviously disappointed with the decision too. She said, with the insufficient time to discuss, she really couldnt do anything to make a difference.

I was all teared up and emotional. To me, Curtis deserves to stay more than Lazaro, Paul or Janelle does. But somehow this is still a reality show and this thing happens. At the end of the day it is up to America to vote & whoever is favorable will win despite of anything.

Youtube Recap of the show, Elimination night for the top 10 finalists

So Goodbye Curtis :-(

Saturday, March 16, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Songs from American Idols

So yesterday night the show was on TV and I watched it with hubby.
Overall their performances were satisfactory, apart from 1 or 2 exceptions. I was impressed with certain performances and most of them aren't fall into my list of favourites. My favourites on the other hand, didnt manage to pull off great performances although they were doing just fine.

So here's the recap:-

1) Nicki Minaj wasnt there during the 1st judging. She arrived late and Ryan had to cover her up
2) The Theme for the night was "Songs from American Idols" - Singing any songs from former contestants in American Idols, be it their own song or other singer's songs but were performed by them.
3) Jimmie Lavine is mentoring the contestants this week
4) Curtis Finch Jr - He did Fantasia's "I Believe". It was not his best performance & I saw some better ones before. To me it was just an okay performance
5) Janelle Arthur - She chose "Gone" which was performed by Scotty before. It was an energetic performance from her but I'm sorry, I think you are very much aware that I dont fancy her at all. After Kree, I dont think no one else could be at the same level.
6) Devin Velez - He sang "Temporary Home", a song performed by Carrie Underwood. It was beautiful but I thought it didn't really challenge his vocals and tones. Like Randy said it was very safe & I couldnt agree more
7) Angie Miller - Chose to sing "I surrender" which was formerly sang by Kelly Clarkson. I thought it was a brilliant choice of song. There was so much power in her performance, be it her voice, appearance or her confidence. Keith looked very proud. I thought it second best performance of hers after "You Set Me Free". She definitely has to stay
8) Paul Jolley - Sang "Amazed" by Scotty. The judges thought he did amazing. Nicki said, Paul tonight is able to stimulate her sexual appetite, referring to his appearance and outfits. I thought he is doing fine but never outstanding
9) Candice Glover - She performed "I Who Have Nothing" which formerly sang by Jordin Sparks & I thought it was the best performance of the night. She delivered such a powerful voice and it went over the top. It was a winning performance.
10) Lazaro Arbos - Performed "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson & I thought it was just an okay performance.
11) Kree Harrison - Chose "Crying" which was performed by Carrie Underwood formerly. The song is simple & not really challenging but I thought her voice is very beautiful
12) Burnell Taylor - Did his own thing in "Flying Without Wings", which was formerly sang by Ruben Studdard. It was brilliant, with those hand gestures and his own original thing. He totally changed the song in his own way
13) Amber Holcomb - The last performance of the night & she chose "A moment like this" by Kelly Clarkson. It was amazingly beautiful & powerful, the song challenged her voice and she delivered it outstandingly. Mariah just said, "Hashtag, Pow", whatever that means. It was perfect.

Tonight I will get to see the result. Can't wait! :-)

Below are the videos of my favourite performances tonight:-

Candice with "I, Who Have Nothing"

Angie Miller with "I Surrender"

And Amber with "A Moment Like This"

Saturday, March 9, 2013

American Idol 2013 ~ Semifinal result!!!!

Today I got some spare time to update on this. Honestly guys, I didnt watch the girls part for the semifinals at all! I just couldnt bring myself to watch them due to the sudden change of my interest - I am attached to the guy contestants now! Just forget about my previous post, it's no longer applicable. Haha... So if you wish to know about the girl's part, look it up on GOOGLE :-p I'm sorry...

So tonight I watched the semifinal result & was very satisfied with the outcome, except for 1 or 2 disagreement. Before I proceed further let's see the result below:-

1) Start with the Top Left - Lazaro Arbos; It came as a surprised for me. No doubt he is a good singer but I thought it would be hard for him to get the place since there are so many other contestants whose voices are much stronger than his. Nevertheless I am glad America chose him. There is more to his voice that I wish to hear. He seems to be in the favor of Mariah, she adores his voice's lower tone.

2) Next - Amber; I love her attitude. She is such a down-to-earth person and she's so sweet. Such attitude will win people's heart. Talent wise, her voice is quite strong, although not as strong as other semifinalists. To me, it all comes down to the right choices of songs. I am happy for her. My mom thinks she's fantastic.

3) Next - Paul Jolley; I don't really fancy him, as I told you a million times. He doesn't have that 'X-factor' in him, so I guess he will be invisible in my view. Sorry! But I know, he is such a sweetheart- great attitude, humble and all.

4) Next - Curtis Finch Jr; See, I told you! He will go through to the next round or even win this:-) I am so glad to know that America thinks the same as I do!

5) Top Right (Standing)- Janelle Arthur; I don't agree at all. Everything about her screams boring. She has a very strong voice suits for country songs but I don't think it's too marketable. There are already too many similar voices like hers out there.

6) Below left- Candice Glover; Powerful voice. Very happy to see her get in!

7) Next - Angie Miller; Yay! You know I love her eversince "You set me free". I am so happy that she gets in. She might be the next AI for this season! (Keith even teared up)

8) Next - Burnell Taylor; Oh God. I'm glad he's in. I am obsess with him, everything about him is just so original.

9) Next - Devin Velez; Again, my favourite is in. Such a perfect result.

10) The last one, Below right (Sitting) - Kree Harrison; I was surprised America voted for 2 country singers but I am glad she gets in, she deserves the spot.

I am so satisfied with the results, all my favourites are in! Angie, Burnell, Devin & Curtis!!!

Jack and The Giant Slayer ~ movie review

Title: Jack And The Giant Slayer
Date Released: March 2013
Director: Bryan Singer
Production Companies: New Line Cinema, Legendary Pictures, Original Films
Top Line Casts: Nicholas Hoult, Ewan Mcgregor, Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley Tucci

My opinion about the Hero & Heroin:-
~Nicholas Hoult is the perfect Jack. He's very suitable for the farm boy character in this movie. He has this innocence look in him that really touch a girl's heart. This was my 1st time seeing him acting, and I love him very much. His built, his features and everything, suits the Jack hero in this movie. I watched 'the making'/ behind the scenes' and Nicholas appears to be more handsome in real life. My husband thought the same. I thought the choice of hero is perfect and wish to see him more in other movies.

~Eleanor Tomlinson played Princess Isabelle's character. She's stunning, beautiful and talented. I love her and this is also the first time I watched her play. But somehow I thought she looks older than Jack but I still agree with the choice of heroin

The Summary of The Story:-
"Jack the Giant Slayer" tells the story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack (Nicholas Hoult) into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend-and gets the chance to become a legend himself.-- (C) Warner Bros


Oh my God! I was totally amazed with this, my jaw kept dropping in awed. I grew up with fairy tales & I've always crazy about them. So when my hubby said "we're gonna watch the movie tonight", I went ecstatic! It didn't fail to satisfy my movie cravings & absolutely exceeds my expectation. A must watch!

My husband was all excited for the movie and I am glad we chose to watch this. Actually we were supposed to watch a back to back movies, and after 'Jack and The Giant Slayer', we were supposed to watch 'Oz, The Great and The Powerful'... But unfortunately, my stomach couldnt behave on that day and I was having this very bad diarrhoea and we ended up heading back home after the 1st movie, throwing the other ticket into the drain :-( Not good...

So the movie started off with the scenes of Jack and Princess Isabelle as kids, being told by their parent about the story of the Giants and King Eric. Jack was connected to the story ever since he was a little child. The plot is smooth and does not drag, definitely not boring. The giants faces are awesome, they were so massive. There were so many scenes that made my jaw dropped in awed especially those involving the giants. They were so big and they could ran very fast. There was this scene when they chased after Jack and the royals and I was like, 'woah! Run! Run! Faster!" I just couldn't bear the suspense. ;) it was damn awesome.
From the graphics, the scenery, the place, everything will leave u in awe, I highly suggest this to those fairytales lovers. 2 thumbs up ;-)

Friday, March 8, 2013

American Idol 2013 ~ Semifinals Top 10 guys

First of all, you might notice that I skipped writing on 'Sudden Death' round for guys part 2. Reason being, I am not interested to update on that.. This year, I am far more interested in female contestants than I am in the guys. However, there are 3 guy contestants who I think are strong contenders in this competition; Devin Velez, Curtis Finch Jr & Burnell Taylor.

Last week's sudden death round for guys were so boring, I didnt even finish watching the show.

Tonight, I was very surprised that the show has already got to the guys semifinal. I thought girls should always take the turn first. And I was very upset to realise that I'd missed the girls part, it was on the show yesterday 6th March! (In Malaysia the show will be aired fresh every Thursdays & Fridays, so the girl's part was on Wednesday - I know in US it was on Tuesday)

Before I go further, let's find out who stays during the sudden death round for guys part 2 -

1) Vincent Powel (If given a good song that match with his voice, he could be among the best)
2) Nick Boddington (boring)
3) Burnell Taylor
4) Lazaro Arbos
5) Cortez Shaw

My favorite in the list above would be Burnell Taylor. I've always rooting for him to go through every stages. He has such an incredible talent and it's so original. His voice, his signature way of singing - hand movements, facial expressions and tones, are absolutely flawless.

I need some time to catch up with the semifinals girl part in Youtube before I update about it, so let's continue with semifinals guys first.

So Here's a recap on Guys Semifinals:-

Elijah Liu - He chose to sing "Stay" by Rihanna. I thought it didn't challenge his vocal, and it made him sounds flat. To me, his voice is easily recognizable, which is good for him, but some where in there, it is lack of effort. He is playing safe with the competition and I've never seen him doing an outstanding performance, not even once.

It was definitely better than the sudden death round, but to me, it was still nothing special. It is such a beautiful song & this was such a great opportunity for him to play with his vocal but he chose to sing it this way, which was plain and easy.

Cortez Shaw - He got a good vocal but tonight I thought he was overdoing the song that he chose - "Lock Out of Heaven" By Bruno Mars. The song's beats are very catchy, and of course, he started to dance and move his body but they didn't look right, like he was overdoing everything, including the vocal towards the end of the song. The song that is supposed to be catchy is turning to be an R&B song the way he sang it. He didn't do justice to Bruno Mars, sorry :-(

Charlie Askew -I dont even know how to comment about him. I think you guys are aware that I don't fancy him at all. To me, his karaoke&theater-like performance will always be shaky and unconvincing. The way I see it, he is an attention-seeker. And with his weak performance singing"Mama", I don't think he can survive any longer in this competition. In theater show, yes, he could aced it.

Nick Boddington - Chose a very beautiful song, which is my all-time favorite, "Iris" By Goo-goo dolls. Did he realized that Goo-goo dolls has 1Million times nicer vocal than him? Just saying... :-)
So it was brave of him to choose this song. I just can't comment on his performance cos nobody could compete Goo-goo dolls in this. Although he sounds nice but it was a bit boring & after he shaved his head, he reminds me of the gay Lance Bass of Nsync... His boy band-like appearance and vocal, are one of those which wont leave much of an impact to the audience. Let's see if I'm wrong.

Burnell Taylor - He sang the same song which he performed during the audition which was "I'm Here", it was brilliant. Like I said, I opt for him to win, apart from Angie Miller and Devin Velez.
(Kree now is no longer my favorite) All the things about him just scream original. I am impressed a lot that he lost many weights and I love the new him wayyyy better. My heart goes for him for no reason, I just feel like he's so serious to win this competition.

Paul Jolley - He is good vocally, his appearance is quite pleasant, but I dont know why I am not really attracted to him. To me, he doesn't have that 'X-factor' in him.. But I dont know if Im wrong. Let's just see. (To be honest, I didnt watch his performance last night and just watch it now for the sake of updating this episode.. HEHEHE)

Lazaro Arbos - He really impresses me every time he sings. He doesn't stutter at all when he sings, it is so beautiful to watch such talent. He is so adorable and vocally, he is quite good. Although he has a good talent, to me, there are many other contestants who are much stronger than him... Let's see what America thinks. Last night he sang my favorite "Feeling Good" By Michael Buble and I thought it was beautiful, although he could do much better. He deserves a chance to show more of him.
Curtis Finch Jr - Sang "I believe I can fly" By R.Kelly. It was beyond amazing. Like I said, he should made a record by now. He doesnt need American Idol.... Are you with me now? ;-)

Devin Velez - He chose to sing 'It's impossible' (Somos Novios), a mixture of English & Spanish song. It was really incredible, I keep on playing the song over and over again every day. His vocal is beyond amazing. Like the previous performance singing "Listen" By Beyonce in a mixture of English & Spanish, he pulled it off again tonight. Like Nicki Minaj said, he should stay doing what he's doing now, and I totally agree with her. I teared up listening to this... Pure perfection....

Vincent Powel - He got a strong vocal, but I dont really fancy him. I didnt watch the performance, sorry :( Although he got a good voice, to me, he is easily forgettable. Sorry Vincent's fans,. I am being honest...

Tomorrow, we will got to know the result... I'll definitely update about it later! I am rooting for Burnell Taylor, Devin Velez, Curtis Finch Jr and Angie Miller. I hope either 1 of this contestant will win the competition.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Something Blue By Emily Giffin

Title: Something Blue
Previous Sequel: Something Borrowed
Author: Emily Giffin
Date published: June 2005
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fiction, love & friendships

Sneak Into This Book:
Narrated from Darcy's perspectives, this book is a sequel to the best-selling book "Something Borrowed", which tells what happens when friends step their feet over the line of friendship.
After discovering about her best friend and her fiance, Darcy is left wondering how the two people she trusted the most could betray her. The fact that she is pregnant with another man's child and cheated on her fiance a couple of times, doesn't stop her from being furious and deeply hurt with the betrayal.
Being a hopeless self-centered and spoiled woman, Darcy puts the blame on everyone else except herself. Alone and hurt, she runs away to England to stay with another childhood friend, Ethan who halfheartedly welcomes her - giving the fact that she is a pregnant lady and all.
Living with Ethan has slowly change her into a better person, and soon, she discovers the promises held for her in England.
The Story is about friendship, forgiveness, love and life's choices. Read to know more! Enjoy!!

My Reviews:
1) This is absolutely more delicious than "Something Borrowed". Although the previous sequel is funnier. The dramas and conflicts which happen here are more attractive.

2) I get the feeling that Ethan is a handsome man. It makes the love conflict more appealing.

3) I was hoping Darcy & Rachel to become best friends once again but nope, didn't get my wish. They go along together and Rachel even attends to Darcy's wedding, but their friendship is never the same again. At least the way Emily Giffin tells us in the story.

4) Twins? Yay! It brings more juice into the story!

Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it!

A-Must-Have in your book collections!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Something Borrowed By Emily Giffin

Title: Something Borrowed
Author: Emily Giffin
Date published: March 10, 2005
Movie released: April 2011
Format: Paperback
Genre: Fiction, love & friendships

Sneak into this book:
Narrated from Rachel's perspectives, this novel tells briefly about a friendship of hers and a childhood best friend, Darcy and how together, they anticipate lives with the presence of one another, celebrating and embracing all the important events like birthdays, high-school dramas and boys, everything-; together.
Although they seem to appear being the best of friends, they are a very much different individuals. Rachel is the kind of person who played by the rules; afraid to bend them and afraid to take risks. Darcy on the other hand, is the kind who gets what she wants.
Since their childhood, Rachel watch how Darcy steals all the limelights and as a good friend, she keep herself loyal to Darcy, adopting the Rachel that Darcy wants her to be.
At her 30th birthday party, she drinks too much and the next day she wakes up on the bed with Darcy's fiancé next to her.
Determined that it is just a one-night fling although it's not, she tries hard to push away the event behind her but is terrified to discover that she genuinely have feelings for him and finds out that he feels the same way too.
The wedding is near- series of betrayals occurs, questions of friendships arise, and so much more! Read to know the rest, enjoy :-)

My reviews:
1) What happened to Darcy sure as hell serves her right, being such a selfish friend and all. But, in my right mind, I think what Rachel did is something uncalled for. Darcy is her childhood friend. Imagine all the years growing up together, and everything breaks and crash down just because of one man. Yes, in the phases of growing, Darcy did some things that betrays Rachel too, but was it really that matters? Friendships that long should be valued and appreciated. I think Rachel is supposed to confront Darcy the minute she wokes up next to Dexter. That would proves the good of a person she is, although she will nevertheless breaks the friendship anyway- but rather than to keep the secret for too long, doing dirty things behind Darcy's back?
In a way, she is just like the person she describes Darcy to be. I'm glad to find out that Darcy has secretly doing dirty things behind his fiancé's back too, so it make Rachel's behaviour less awful and forgivable and it makes things fair and square- putting more sense into the story.
And remember, the betrayals and the dramas are the juices of the story!

2) Rachel and Dexter were in the apartment when Darcy rushed in, hoping to confide in with Rachel about her dilemma. A terrified Rachel hid Dexter in the cupboard while embracing Darcy and listens to her story- during this part, I laughed like crazy. This was the first Emily Giffin book I have ever read, and I observe some things about her. One of the thing- she surely as hell has a good sense of humour.

3) Although i got this love/hate feelings while reading the book-its pure, it's realistic, it's delicious, it's fun, and it is the perfect book to read, curling up in ur blanket, making sure to sip a hot chocolate drink by your side from time to time ^_^

2 thumbs up, my favorite novel in 2012!!! 5 stars!

P/s: this version of book cover is the one that I got in my possession.

Safe Haven By Nicholas Sparks

Title: Safe Haven
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Published Date: September 2010
Movie Released: February 2013
Format: Paperback
Genre: Epic Love Story/ Fiction

Sneak Into This Book:
A story about Erin, who escapes to a small town in Southport, North Carolina, to get away from her abusive husband, Police Detective Kevin. With the source of "help" from a neighbour, Erin disguises herself and adopts the identity of "Katie".
In her new life, she meets Jo, a single woman who lives next door & they become good friends. Slowly, she navigates her life in the small town hoping that she will forever escape from Kevin.
A series of visits to a local convenience store brings Katie into the life of the store manager, Alex & his children, Kristen & Josh. Alex's wife died of cancer, leaving him alone to raise their two kids.
Despite her trauma towards her husband, Katie couldn't keep herself away from Alex's life & for caring about him & the kids. She feels somehow she is attracted to their lives.
With the encouragements from Jo, Katie slowly develops a romantic relationship with Alex. 
Meanwhile, Kevin discovers where Erin is hiding & he heads to Southport to confront her. In this story, you will find an emotional twist at the end be touched with it. Read the rest to know more! Enjoy!!

My reviews-
1) Erin married a psycho-crazy husband who had beaten her several times but she couldn't find any source of help - he was the police himself. What she did to escape from the awful life was very brave - and full of suspense too. There are many women out there who suffer lives with abusive husbands & I feel a deep sad and pity towards them. I cried in some parts of this novel - My husband was like " LOL, nangis pulak!!" I am like that, I get attached to a story easily :-)
2) Kevin was such a psycho man. Under the influence of Vodka, his thoughts worked in a weird way- often reciting verses from the bible & thinking how they should apply in life - in his own opinion. But what makes it good, the scenes involving him make it hard to close the book as it brings the suspense. So u will keep reading to the very end :-)
3) The plots are smooth, not dragging and definitely not slow. I love the way the plot and the story line travels, it feels like you are watching a movie, except for the duration, and the kinds which u could picture everything and clearly imagine the plot running in ur mind.
No wonder most of Nicholas's books are adapted to film.
Overall, 2 thumbs up! If u love romance mixed with a bit of mystery & suspense-packed book, here is a-must-read novel.

Let's watch the movie trailer!!! >

Friday, March 1, 2013

American Idol 2013 recap: Sudden Death round 2 ^GIRLS^~Las Vegas

Yesterday night I watched the 2nd round of Sudden Death episode where the judges selected another 5 girls to go through to the top 20. Today night it will be the guys' turn. Umm Cant wait! ^_^

The result for last night's episode wasn't very upsetting, with one or two exception. The decision wasnt an easy thing to make though, all 10 contestants are very much talented in their own unique way.

Yesterday result was:-

Those who going through:-
  • Janelle Arthur
  • Breanna Steer
  • Aubrey Cleland
  • Candice Glover
  • Zoanette Johnson
Those who went back home:-
  • Melinda Ademi
  • Christabel Clack
  • Rachel Hale (Lost against Janelle)
  • Jett Hermano
  • Juliana Chahayed (Disagree mmm...)
Janelle Arthur is the judge's favourite, especially Nicki Minaj. Although that night she made an okay performance & not as good as Rachel, the judges chose her. I would have chosen Rachel instead of her based on her performance last night. The song was 'Just a Kiss' by Lady Antebellum. Although the song might appear easy to sing but it is actually quite challenging. She didn't deliver it up to my expectation. Rachel on the other hand was improving a lot. But maybe they realized that she doesnt really have much diversity in her tones & only suits to sing country songs that they chose Janelle instead of her.
 vs Rachel

Breanna style of singing is kinda arrogant-like in my opinion.. I dont really like the way she portrays her expressions but her voice is quite powerful & I wish to see more of her and what else she could offer.

This season would surely bring more fun with the appearance of Zoanette Johnson. Although some might not agree with me, I think she brings the light into the show and is very fun to watch. My mom loves her too :-)

The person I think should be given the chance to stay longer in this competition is Juliana Chahayed. I was mesmerized & captivated by her voice. She is the sort of person who can make everyone in a room goes silent in awed when she opens her mouth. Her voice, such a sweet tone, like Keith said, it sounded like a mixture of Jewel and Taylor Swift. I absolutely agree...

I am so disappointed that they didnt choose her to continue in the competition :'( Such a lost...

See what I mean, her voice is so beautiful. She knows her art... 15 years old? too talented!

So who's my favorite among the girls who going through?

It would be the gorgeous, sexy, hot and talented Aubrey Cleland.

My husband admires her 'legs'... Hummm... I envy her!

During the night, Melinda Ademi again sang Jessie J song, "Nobody's Perfect". It was nothing special but I got to bring this up. Last week on the 1st round of Sudden Death episode, my no.1 favorite AI season 12, Angela Miller had also chose this song. I couldnt help but compare both performance. Angela's was way better. I had predicted Melinda's elimination and I kinda disagree that the judges keep her at the 1st place. She moves too much while she sings and too many hand gestures. This is one decision I think is absolutely unanimous.

Compare to this:-

NOW YOU GOT WHAT I MEAN!! ^____________^

Angela, Love You!