Saturday, February 9, 2013

Asia's Next Top Model, Cycle 1- Episode 4

11 girls still remained in this episode, Aastha was saved when Bei Si was eliminated. However, she was still complaining & crying about her new hair-style. Luckily for her, Trang was there to be a shoulder to cry on.

I just couldn't seemed to understand why she didn't move on, her hair wasn't that bad. But Helena said Aastha is the kind of person who loves to complaint a lot, so I guess there's nothing to wonder about.

This time, Joey visited the model house & gave them a challenge of photo shoot - being sexy.
In this challenge, Helena and Jessica were both excellent, they had use their prop very well. Helena posed very sexily with her telephone prop and was the winner of this small challenge, leaving the girls fuming due to her success of winning too many challenge in a row. Aastha said, "She just won because she got a perfect prop". Someone being jealous, huh?

As the prize, Helena got to pick 2 of the girls for a dinner with the judges - Nadya, Joey and Todd. She picked Rachel and Gee, but they were both disappointed with her as she was too controlling on the conversation with the judges during the dinner. She was the only one speaking too much and asking too many question, leaving the other 2 girls out of chance to speak. To me, what was their problem? It was Helena's prize, and she got every rights to enjoy her prize more. She was doing the right thing. The 2 girls were just being ungrateful.

Earlier before the dinner, Helena invited the girls for swimming, but they all ignored her. Again, Sophia misinterpreted Helena's intention. I was very tired of Sophia too.

Later in the episode, Helena spoke with Jessica, she tried to win Jessica to be her close friend. But as I expected, many of the girls seemed to think that Helena was being manipulative. I actually understood her situation and felt for her. She certainly didn't try to control anyone, all she was doing was just trying to find a close friend. Someone who could actually see her as a friend, not an enemy.

The second challenge for the girls was a boxing photo shoot. Kate was being too playful with the boxing props and judge Daniel scolded her, leaving her feeling too embarrassed. During the shoots, Helena was overdoing her sexiness, pulling her clothes here and there while Melissa showed some good progress. She was praised by the judges as they could recognised her hard work. I personally thought Sophia's shot was the best and yes, she did won the challenge.

During the elimination, Kate wrote a letter to the judges to explain herself and to prove that she too, was a serious contestant. She read the letter out loud in front of the judges & they looked satisfied with her effort.

Filantropi and Gee were both eliminated as the judges thought that there was no more rooms for improvement for the both of them. I kinda agree with the judges, but if either 1 should stay in the competition, it would better be Gee as her talent outshines more than Filantropi.

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