Thursday, February 28, 2013

American Idol 2013 recap: Sudden Death round 1 ^GIRLS & BOYS^~Las Vegas

It's an update on AI again! During last week 21st Feb-Thursday, 10 girls performed to win the place in the competition but only 5 girls were chosen to continue their journey in AI. Basically I agree with the result for girls round.
I got my own favourites of course :-) This year girls are much stronger vocally than guys. So I predict that this year it will be a girl's turn to win. It was quite some time already that we havent seen a girl wins.

So those who went back home during the night were:-
• Jenny Beth Willis
• Brandy Hotard
• Isabelle
• Kamaria Ousley
• Shubha Vedula

Those who going through to top 20:-
• Teena Torres
• Kree Harrison
• Angela Miller
• Adriana Latonio
• Amber Holcomb

I think my favourites are also everyone else favourites. I got 2 of them actually. Both are very strong vocally as well as in performance. They are Angela Miller and Kree Harrison.

Angela Miller is a very veryyyy talented artist. She produces her own song which captivates all the judges and audiences. This was her during the sudden death round.. I AM OBSESS WITH HER! (Between u and me, I know she will wins ^_^ )

She is so sexy, I love her body so much!! and her hair, and her outfits, her voice, her choice of songs, everything about her screams "WINNER"!! Oh she looked like Milley Cyrus right? :-)
I started to love her ever since she performed her original songs, "YOU SET ME FREE"... It is now famous and everyone loves her in this.

See what I mean? She gives me goosebumps!!

My other favourites is Kree Harrison... Judges love her. She is a very simple-beauty lady but her voice? It's OVER THE TOP... Winner-like quality.. Just like my beloved Keith said, "You are a natural born singer"

You see how simple she is, she doesnt have to show off her skin to look sexy, just like Nicki Minaj said. She is already sexy the way she is. Personally I think her voice sounds like Faith Hill + Trisha Yearwood + Leann Rimes...

If Angela beats her, I would be very happy but if she wins, I am happy too. Both are my favourites although I vote more on Angela :-)

The other 3 contestants are also good but I think they dont really possess same level of talents as these both.

As for boys, me and my husband (yes, believe it, he loves this show too) strongly disagree with the result. In our opinions, they picked the wrong contestants going through to top 20!! :-( 

Those who went back home:-
1. Johnny Keyser
2. JDA
3. Kevin Harris
4. Chris Watson (Seriously???)
5. Jimmy Smith

And going through to top 20:-
1. Paul Jolley
2. Devin Velez
3. Elijah Liu (OMG!! Wrong choice!)
4. Charlie Askew (Urgh!!)
5. Curtis Finch Jr. (Yeah Baby!)

I couldnt agree with judges for eliminating Chris Watson. I think he has more potential and talent than Elijah and Charlie.
Chris had tried for AI since previous episodes when Simon was the judge.I think he had also lost in Vegas round at that time, if Im not mistaken.

I dont really fancy him in this. He made the wrong choice of song. But his moves were good though. U could see how good an entertainer he is. But, when u watch this video, try to compare with Elijah's and Charlie's.

See what I mean? Chris is more stronger vocally. Hands down, girls will be falling head over heels towards Elijah. But looks is not enough.

It was shaky right? Now I hope u got what I mean. I have nothing against him but I think it was like he sang in a karaoke at school.. Mmmmm...

So my favourites for boys would be:-

Curtis Flinch Jr (Well obviously he's other people favourites too)

I think he should probably by now be a celebrity already. He doesnt need this competition. So good..... Even Mariah adores and respects him for his talents.

The other one?
I dont fancy his look. But vocal? Such a beautiful voice...

Brilliant for singing in Spanish. Great moves... This is Devin Velez.. He might not be that good looking to me, but his eyes, they are beautiful... Hehehe....

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