Thursday, February 7, 2013

Asia's Next Top Model, Cycle 1- Episode 2

Moving on from my previous post, there were 13 girls remained. Last episode, Kyla from Singapore was eliminated.

I could not really recognize her most of the time. She was not really a model-like type in my opinion. Her face was almost blank in all her shots. So I quite agree with the judges.

This episode, for the 1st challenge it was also something to do with runaway catwalk but this time, it was in a dining restaurant and again, the judges were presented to scrutinize the contestants.

Trang, who was the most experienced in catwalk was generous & kind enough to all the girls for giving them a bit of a catwalk lesson & help to improve them. Sophia was a bit unsure about the lesson, she said something like, "Everybody thinks Trang seems to know runaway better, so I guess I would also need to join the girls & learn some lessons from her." But she was such an ignorant person & couldn't really agree with Trang's comment on her catwalk style.

Earlier in the model house, Joey gave a surprise visit with a celebrity runaway coach, Adam William & taught the girls on a proper catwalk. Adam was really funny & I enjoyed his presence. He really likes Sophia's catwalk & praised her, making her said "Trang definitely made me kind of doubt myself, so .. not anymore.." - Seriously? Trang was just helping out.

The winner for this challenge was Trang & she got to pick 2 of the girls to go for a dinner. It was Helena's birthday & she was upset that Trang didn't choose her but her disappointment was redeemed back by a surprise gift from the other girls in the model house - she got a card, cake & kisses from them. Aww that was nice!

2nd challenge was a group shoot for Harper's Bazaar magazine. Filantropi was the worst, she had a very blank face although everything else about her were working quite ok.

She & Melissa were both kinda weak in this challenge. 

The best individual shot was won by Aastha while for group, was won by Group 2- Aastha, Bei Si, Sophia & Trang. I thought Sophia's one was the best.

Sophia was standing in the middle

During the elimination, my favorite Helena was a number 4 person being called by Nadya. Gee & Steph were in bottom 2 but fortunately they were both save as Monica from Thailand had left the competition due to her father's health condition.

Didn't really have much chance to see her talent... Mmmm...

I feel it wasn't fair that Thailand got 2 representatives.

Anyway, Rachel fainted at the end of the elimination & she was brought to the hospital. Apparently it turned out it was due to her heart unusual fast-beating.

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