Friday, February 8, 2013

New 'bundle of joy' in my family

Yesterday night just after work, my family and I went straight to Malacca to visit the new born angel in our family, my eldest brother's son- Muhammad Ali Bin Faizal.

Alhamdulillah, my sister-in-law had safely gave birth to her second son yesterday after the Asar prayer which was around 5pm at Hospital Besar Melaka. He was born on 7th February 2013, means he will be celebrating his birthday every year on the same month as his Aunty Tasha ;-)

I was at the office when I received the news from my brother. The second I heard the news, I shed tears and felt really grateful for the event. Earlier that day, I was very worried of their conditions after knowing from my brother that his wife had been suffering from a contraction since yesterday morning while they were still at home.The due date was supposed to be early of March, but it turned out a month earlier than that. I couldn't help but to feel worried and anxious.

Minutes after the SMS, I called my husband and we planned to visit them that night and return back to KL on the same day. It was a last-minute plan, so I called my mom and asked her to get ready. Of course, my little sister was there too.

We began the journey at 9pm-we need to check the condition of my car & everything, and reached there by 12am. I felt so tired, it seemed like a very long journey as we were a bit lost & couldn't find Pusat Bandar Melaka.

At the hospital, the security guard did not allow us to visit the patient easily. We need to take turns to see the mother & the baby but sadly for my husband, he couldn't join in. Only ladies are allowed to visit during the late hours - They don't allowed late visitors actually but our case was an exception- we came all the way from KL. Alhamdulillah for that.

So my husband waited at the waiting area with my nephew Hanaffie. He played his uncle's iPad and was so engrossed with it, he didn't even want to kiss his favorite Aunty:-( Now uncle Haikal has become his favorite Uncle. He was with my husband all the time!

Eventually I managed to visit my nephew. Look at him, he's gorgeous.... I love him so much already ;-)

p/s: I just cant wait to have my own baby!! Hehehe...

He is so adorable. Aunty Tasha loves you so much, baby Ali ♥

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