Friday, February 15, 2013


Tadaaa!! This is my home after 4 months being married to my ever-so-wonderful husband ;-)
We got a new dining table, which ends the episode of eating like Japanese style! Duduk bersila kat bawah hehe. So now, no more, we have a nice dining table which we brought from Ikea (again) ;-) Kitorang beli cuma RM395 je tau, siap dengan 4 buah kerusi. Sgt berbaloi kan? Couples yang nak get married kat luar sana tu gi la survey kat IKEA.. Dah lah cantik, quality baekk ;-) harga pun ok ok la...

Dulu pernah rasa x nak beli rumah after dah banyak kali turned down ttg hal beli rumah. It came to one point where we were both very disappointed and upset, pastu vowed taknak beli rumah & nak sewa je for the rest of our lives. Punya lah susah nak beli, dengan keadaan financial yang limited lepas kahwin... But lepas dapat tahu my company bagi annual bonus yang bagus and constant, we decided and planned to buy our own house tahun depan, 2014. Hopefully bonus tahun depan I really can use it to pay for the house deposit and bayaran lawyer etc, seangkatan dengannya.

We planned to ambush PKNS office. Tengok lah camne... Nanti sure akan update kat blog lagi lepas ambush! Hehe ;-)

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