Friday, February 15, 2013

Asia's Next Top Model, Cycle 1- Episode 6

Not sure how many times already, again, I disagree with Helena on Melissa's issue. But Helena is still my favourite nevertheless. When Melissa was selected as one of the contestant in asntm, it shows that she got some potentials that were recognised by professionals. People should respect that and give her a break. It was not her fault that she was chosen despite her height, so it was unnecessary to give her a hard time. Plus, Melissa is a very nice person, she didn't do or act anything nasty to anyone in the model house. To look down on other people, that's quite normal but to critic about one's physical like height, is something uncalled for. "So Helena, plsss don't do it again to other people in the future. Hope never got to see you being bitchy again k! Hehe.."

I really do adore Helena. To me, she should continues keeping her high determinations which is great but at the same time she should improves her social skills. It doesn't matter if you don't like being around people that much but instead of saying nasty things, it's nicer to keep rude comments to yourself. To me, that is not being hypocrite. Humans have feeling and it is a must to show respects with each other. Her comments could be facts, but they were not constructive. And you cannot succeed alone especially in the modelling and fashion industries. Not that I know much about these industries but obviously you are working with people and getting people happy to work with you is all that matters.

During the salon challenge which they had to make a script on their own commercials for Tresemme's product, Aastha was the winner but I don't really agree with that. There was no enthusiasm on her face and there was no confidence in her voice projection. I think if Melissa could bring down just a little bit of her high enthusiasm, she could win the challenge. She had potential in it but kinds of overdoing it.

I was commenting unfairly about the girls based on my observation during my first time watching this show which was already at episode 9. But now after I've seen from the beginning, I think I like each and every girl that was selected as the contestant. Each of them have their own unique personality which appears quite pleasant.

The girls were given the chance to call their loved ones and Jessica spoke with her bf. OMG, her bf was so sweet, I was so touched hearing their conversation. She confided in him and let her feelings out about her struggles, and her bf kept on saying 'You can do it, baby' and after the phone call, she became much better and stronger. If she wins, she should thank her bf for giving a great support.

Kate and Rachel were in bottom 2- they formed a tight friendship with one another and it was quite sad to see both of them in bottom 2... At the end, as I guessed, Rachel was eliminated and Kate was save. Quite sad, I even shed tears, tsk tsk...

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