Monday, February 18, 2013

AsNTM~Fast Recaps on Ep.7,8,9 & 10

Episode 7~
Following Rachel's elimination on the 6th week, Kate was very heartbroken. She felt like she lost a best friend. Everyone comforted her & again Helena showed the bad side of herself & commented on that situation.
During a make-up challenge, Sophia had the most advantage on that area. She was some sort like an expert and won the challenge. I also agree with that. She was very calm and done her make up pretty well. The worst was Melissa, she started to blush her face all pinkish till it became red. Kate being playful, asked who was the second runner-up, and the invited judge answered it was Helena. For a split second, she was angry with Sophia and everyone thought that was funny and kinda pitied on her. Again, she showed a bad side of her and it kinda overshadowed her talent. Sophia won a spa treatment & chose Kate as the partner. Meanwhile the other girls in the house sabotaged her other 'prizes' for the challenge by replacing the real prizes with random things such as toilet papers and everyone cracked with laughters including me while seeing her opening the prize. She was all for the game but suddenly she went upset cos her present was opened without her permissions and she felt that was unrespectful. I kinda agree. During a nature challenge,  Steph nailed it while Jessica showed a perfection once again. Sophia again gave a blank expression and didnt manage to post well. During the elimination, Helena was being harshly critique by the judge Nadya but I kinda agree with what the judge said. Helena had a panic attack and broke down in front of the girls. Melissa was out this time.

Episode 8~
The girls talked about Helena & Sophia moved to Steph's room. Helena said she wasnt affected by it. During model lunch challenge, Nadya said to Helena about the previous incident. She told Helena to shake it off. The girls were presented by some food and had to eat with chopsticks. Aastha was the worst, she didnt know how to use chopsticks at all. Jessica on the other hand was so cool and calm,  and ate her food very delicately. She won the mini challenge and went to a spa with Nadya. During a red carpet event, the girls wore Farah Khan dresses. Helena eyes were both very sore due to her crying a lot the other night.Again, Jessica was pulling it off & was great in socializing. She was really calm & cool talking to random strangers. But Helena was the best and she won the challenge, bringing away a Farah Khan dress. She was absolutely natural in socializing. The strangers were like her friends. She deserved to win. Back in the model house, Sophia confronted Helena but her accusation was quite weak, she said Helena was attacking her the other day but I thought she was doing the same thing now so that means she was also the same kind of person.  The girls later went to a historical building in Singapore & make a photo shoot wearing the same heavy red dress. Helena shot was the best but I thought Sophia's one was more better, she didnt touch the dress but it was flying up like a bird. So beautiful. Nadya praised Helena & supported her again. At the end, Sophia and Steph were at bottom 2 but both were saved and no elimination this week.

Episode 9~
6 girls left. Sophia couldn't accept that she was at bottom 2. She said she couldnt understand it. Kate and Jessica was backing her up. Meanwhile, Steph and Helena talked with each other.
During a playboy fragrance challenge, Helena nailed it and won. I thought everyone was doing great. Back in the model house the girls swam together. Steph told that she had drown once before and quite afraid of water. During an underwater photoshoot, Helena was overdoing her shots, even thought she had some ideas in mind and sort of creative, but the judges didnt think so. I thought she made a great effort even though it didnt delivers very well. At the elimination, Helena was at bottom 2 and she was eliminated. I dont think she deserves that, theres so much in here that she still hasnt give to the audience and the competitions. But all the other 5 girls deserves more and maintain in their places.

Episode 10~
It was a motion editorial for Subaru XV. Steph was sad as she thought she was the weakest among all the girls. Her motion editorial was just fine but not special. Jessica on the other hand pulled it off and really impressed everyone including the judges. She won the challenge and the client also liked her editorial. She was assigned to be a sophisticated woman having a tea at a cafe.
During a studio photoshoot, Jessica again won the challenge. She started to show off all her talents and impressively brings all her talents out from herself. It was really effortless and she really deserved to win. On the other hand Aastha was doing badly. I dont think they should keep her any longer. There is zero self confidence in her. She thought she was giving the best but she didnt. Her eyes look tired and she didnt show any sign of seriousness. It was like she was pull back and down. At the elimination, she was finally chose to be eliminated and leave Sophia, Kate and Jessica for the finals.

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