Saturday, February 9, 2013

Beef and Mushroom Stew recipes

Today I finally got the chance to cook the beef which I had in stock. Yesterday night I thought I wanted to cook but instead, we had a dinner outside as I was very tired after work. My husband requested a beef stew but I didn't have any idea how to do it. Thank god, there's an awesome technology called the 'internet'! So I googled up the recipes and stumbled upon a few blogs which recipes were quite easy, so I copied them and applied in my cooking. But some of the ingredient wasn't included in my cooking as the shop just nearby my house sells a very limited things.

So these were the steps:

1. I boiled the beef with water, ginger and salt and close the lid. I left it for about 40 minutes and finally when the meat were soft, I turned off the stove, collect the beef and dispose the boiled water.

2. Fried the beef in hot oil. Of course, I used a frying pan for that. The beef were cooked with black pepper powder until they turned a bit golden brown, turned off the heat and transferred to one side.

3. I used 6 shallots and 5 cloves of garlics and cut them into cubes. Put it aside.

4. Then, I took another group of shallots and garlics with the same amount as the previous one, cut into slices and fried them till they turned crispy brown. After turning off the heat, this fried shallots and garlics were blended and turned into a paste. You may add some water in it to blend them easily. This paste was put aside.

5. Then, I heated the frying pan with some cooking oil and put in the shallots, garlics, and the paste and evenly stirred. I put in the fried beef and stirred some more. Then, I added 2 teaspoon of wheat floor, 2 teaspoon of oyster sos, a half glass of water, some salt and some sugar. After evenly stirred, I put in potatoes and carrots which were chopped earlier into cubes. I close the pan's lid and left it till the veggies were cooked.

6. Finally, I put in the mushrooms and some soup leaves and stirred again till it married nicely. When the food was done, turned off the stove and I served it with rice.

My husband loves it so much and asked to add the rice for 2 times ;-) I was very glad and happy with the success attempt. I have a magic fingers after all! despite my lack of experience, hehe ;-)

In the making
The finish product! Nyum nyum! Ready to eat with rice :-)

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