Thursday, February 7, 2013

Welcoming my second nephew into this world

Today my sister-in-law, Kak Liza is already admitted in the labor room & my eldest brother had just informed me that the cervix is by now opening up to 5 cm. I think it will be fully dilated by today and soon my new nephew will be born into this world! Oh my god... I just can't wait to see him, and I am so excited for this news!

But at the same time I am very scared.. I hope my sister will not be suffering much on her contraction & I pray everything will goes smoothly. Omg I am so thrilled and worried at the same time!

My husband and I, we are planning to visit them in Malacca this upcoming Monday. I am bringing mom and little sister too! Please pray for them guys. Hope Allah will protect the baby and the mom, Amin..

Aunty Tasha loves u all so much ....

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