Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My 26th Birthday on the 26th Feb!

Believe it or not, (I think I am the only one who hard to believe it) I am already 26 years old. OMG! I feel like I just finished my SPM YESTERDAY! How could time flies so fast???
I never expected anything from anyone & I had stopped celebrating my birthday ever since I finished my high school? Time sekolah tau2 lah ramai yg suka ingat beday2 kawan2 pastu celebrate bagai nak rak.. I pun went along with it la, nama pun customs... Ikut je lah rentak kawan2 time tu...
After high school, I never really celebrate my birthdays. Enough with wishes from dear ones, (especially my sis-this year she wishes me 10 times ok!!) and then I went about my daily lives like usual, anticipating another year of growing old.

But after I met my husband, he always celebrates my birthdays that it becomes a ritual. I am already with him for 3 years. My first birthday, he was with me at Bukit Ampang making the count down to 12am. I was all tired and sleepy but he waited patiently. I couldn't remember the exact present he gave especially for the occasion, but last year it was Vera Wang princess perfume and some others. Dont get me wrong! I value all the things so much, and I forgot them not because Im such an ignorant person, No! It's just because he gave a lot of them! endless gifts and I forgot the exact occasions given for each gift.

So this year he bought a big fat chocolate cake from Secret Recipe. This is especially named 'Chocolate Indulgence'. I was serving dinner at the table that night when he suddenly put the cake on the table, I was surprised-big time! But I was so happy and almost cried and hugged him. I didnt really expected anything from him. And it was already late, he came back home from work at 8 that  night.

I blew 26 candles and kissed him on the cheek. I was so happy and touched with his effort. Playfully, I requested for a Laptop and I laughed when he said, "U never gave me anything for my birthday"
I know, Im too bad. I should get him something on his birthdays. But pardon me, I dont know what to buy him really, he always have a unique taste and always disagree with my choice :( mmm...



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! ^_^

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

thank you abang ku tersayang <3 <3


Salam Sayang..

i remembered it is sometime in February but not the exact date. you should have reminded me! sorry sgt2..

Happy Birthday sha and i will always pray for your happiness and health.. remember; everything happen for a reason and Allah has the best plans for us.. just be patient..

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

W'salam sis...

Yeah it was feb 26th , takpe lah dah past pon, next year ada lagi. No need to say sorry, as I mentioned in this post, I dont really celebrate my birthday. doa selamat dah ckup hehe

Thanks a lot kak!! Amin, hope doa termakbul.. Thanks a lot ^_^