Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bacaan Al-Quran & Zikrullah dari Mishaari Raashid Al-Aafaasee

Assalamualaikum my muslim brothers & sisters. U all pernah dengar tak bacaan Al- Quran dari Sheikh Mishaari? I believe each one of us, masing2 ada favourite reciter and *Qari masing2 kan? Apart from baca sendiri, mesti kita suka dengar bacaan orang lain especially from Qari tersohor. I rasa list of favourite  Quran reciter korang mostly mesti berasal dari negara Arab, betul tak? Sebab bacaan mereka sangat merdu dan tenang. Ye lah, itu kan mmg bahasa ibunda mereka, bacaan mereka pun lebih merdu berbanding yang lain. As for me, Sheikh Mishaari is my top most favourite *qari. And yes, he is from Arab; Kuwait to be exact.

Apart from reciting the Quran on my own, sometimes I love to just listen to the Qari melalui my mp3 player, my phone, or even through cd in my car. 

Qari is actually a person who recites the Qur'an with the proper rules of recitation. Bila kita dengar bacaan dari Qari, hati jadi tenang sangat dengan merdu nya bacaan mereka. Many a times I shed tears bila dengar Sheikh Mishaari recites the Quran. Terasa kebesaran Allah swt apabila mendengar baris-baris ayat yang dibacakan oleh beliau.

Baru2 ni I downloaded his Quran Mp3 & saved them in my Blackberry phone. I thought,  boleh lah nanti pasang earphone & dengar bacaan nya diwaktu lapang. I started to know about him while I was trying to search for Quran Mp3, and I bumped into this website called Quranic Audio. Ada banyak Qari lain di sana, and I happened to click his name. Alhamdulillah, he has been my favourite ever since and his reciting never fails to calm me and cleanse me.

Sometimes just untuk muhasabah diri, sebelum tidur I will remember back all those thing yang I pernah buat in my life, all those failures, all those times yang I lupa pada Allah and I will let my tears fall down endlessly, just surrendering myself. Then I will switch on the Mp3 player or my phone to listen to Sheikh Mishaari's reciting. MashaAllah, sejurus selesai rasa cleanse sangat jiwa luar dan dalam. I am too weak, I am too lost. This is just a way which Allah opens for me in order to be closer to him. You can try it too.

It is actually good to always ingat untuk muhasabah diri. And dengar lah bacaan dari Qari kerana ianya pasti dapat menenangkan jiwa, but of course u will have to always recite the Quran yourself, apart from listening to others reciting it :-)

So just nk share, here is a link to download bacaan Quran dari Sheikh Mishaari. Apart from bacaan, u can also find the translation. Cuba lah tengok kat link yang I bagi tu, if you opt for other Qari, pilih je, ada banyak kat sini. Jgn lupa download to your phone & mp3 yer kawan2 :-) Size nya agak berat so u will need a memory card to accommodate the sizes.
Opps! lagi satu, translation in this website is in English, so kalau u all nak dengar in Malay or something else, try google yg lain. sbb i prefer dengar yang ni.. Tapi through their blog which is they all ada mention terdapat bahasa lain selain English. So, try lah godek2 yer. Hehe :D

Ok harap2 adalah org yang sudi nak jenguk website tu! Good luck kawan2 ^_^

Ni lah wajah Sheikh Mishaari Raashid ~

Dekat Youtube banyak zikir2 dari beliau... Check this out ~

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