Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The tiniest person I am obsessed with!

During the year 2009 (18th September to be exact), my brother's eldest child was born into this world and he has become my favourite person in this planet earth ever since, apart from my hubby and my family, of course.

You can say that I am obsess with this little 'munchkins' and I find joy writing about him. I take this opportunity to mention him in my blog so that when he's big enough to understand everything, he would be happy to read about himself here, and to know that his Auntie loves him so much (Awhh.. Sweet).

This tiny person I love so much is named Muhammad Hanaffie Bin Faizal but famously known in the family as "Napi" and as auntie calls him, "Napi the Noddy". Do you know 'Noddy' cartoon character? The name is very close to my nephew's name & that's why I call him that :-D

This is the famous Noddy, with the blue dwarf's hat and a red shirt.  I used to watch this cartoon programme while breakfast before I went to work, yes, I was already a grown up at that time but I still enjoy it, especially the theme song :-)
This is my adorable nephew, having his macdonald's burger with his mummy and daddy.
Napi the Spongebob Squarepants
My precious Napi loves Spiderman so much that his mom bought this costume for him. I put on the Spiderman's  mask and told him to make a face of a super-hero. And that was the best he could do.
I took this picture of him and I thought he looked like Luffy from 'One Piece', the manga character from Japan or in malay adaptation famously known as 'Budak Getah'.
With his hat and all. Hahahaha....
This was him playing flying 'Spiderman' on his Auntie's legs. Lucky me he's not that heavy >.<
This was him wearing his monster sweatshirt
Message from Napi to Auntie's blog readers: "Thanks for reading about me! Muahhh! Kisses for all!!"

P/S: I cant wait for my own production! Would it be as cute as Napi? Well, I hope so! Hahaha...


Baby Breath said...

I have a nephew too the same age. He is so cute! :) I enjoy reading your blog. Kudos from Toronto!

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Wow, I got a Canadian reader here! Thanks so much! xoxo