Thursday, April 11, 2013

American Idol 2013 - "A song from Burt Bacharach/Hal David" & "A song I wish I had written"

The themes for tonight were clearly written in my post title - 'A song from Burt Bacharach/Hal David' (Ok, tak pernah dengar those names, sorry!) & 'A song I wish I had written' (Yes, 2 performances each).

Honestly, I mmg x pernah dgr those 2 names. Maybe dekat Malaysia ni tak banyak pendedahan pada nama diaorang (or maybe I sendiri yang clueless). But I had the initiative to google it just now, and came to know that Burt is actually a composer & David is his lyrics writer. Together, they had both produce many hit songs all over the world.

So malam ni the first performance I tengok was from Amber, who sang 'Say a little prayer', lagu yang pernah jadi OST movie 'my best friend wedding' in year 1997 (I used to love this song so much when I was a kid). Vocal dia? Mmg mantap. The judges puji dia kaw-kaw malam ni especially Nicki Minaj.  Her 2nd performance was amazing as well. She wished she had written 'Love on top' by Beyonce & in that song, she was energetic & having fun. I admit she's an amazing singer but she's not the person I love the most in this competition (who cares what I love anyway?Hee..:D )

Lazaro malam ni dikritik teruk oleh judges. He chose to sing 'Close to you' which is a slow song & of course kalau nyanyi slow songs, vocal control kena mantap. But he remained in his low keys and it was very flat. Dah lama Lazaro patut keluar, sebab takde variety & improvement from him. Although he redeemed himself in his 2nd performance singing 'Angels' by Robbie Williams,  it wasn't strong enough to compete with the other girls. Peserta wanita tahun ni semuanya hebat2 belaka, and of course Lazaro akan ketinggalan bila dia sentiasa inconsistent.

Performances from Kree & Janelle sangat bagus tonight but I wont elaborate much on that, you guys know I hate country songs and I'm not into country singers. But hands down, Kree is awesome & such a natural born singer.

Angie's performances - I was holding back tears during her 2nd performance. It was beautiful. First song, she sang an unfamiliar song (and I'm not gonna elaborate on that) but her second one (which was also unfamiliar to me) sangat mantap. She again played her piano while singing and I was feeling the same impact I felt during her performance singing her own song 'You set me free'. It was those night again, the same feeling. It was pure beauty & a moment for her. And the prop on stage - was truly awesome, I mean the backdrop visual and all. There were white pigeons (if I'm not mistaken) scattered and flying in the backdrop visual while she was singing and Keith too, gave his praise on that part. Kudos to the producer. Angie is back again, this is the real Angie I love.

Watch the backdrop visual. Awesome..

I got to mention CANDICE CLOVER. She is amazing, and after tonight, I am also rooting for her. She is the best performer of the night, and Randy even said "The best performance of all singing competition history". Wow, how good is that? The 2nd song (1st song you need to google, sorry!)
was 'Love Song' by The Cure. Omg, this song sounded familiar to me & after googling it, I realized it was the song from the movie 50 First Dates. No wonder it was so familiar! Mmg terbaik lah this performance. 

That creepy sound at 1:10 really scared me to death! What was that? Everybody talks about it in Youtube. Freaks me out big time.

This week I predict Lazaro will go out and if he doesn't, he will continue to be humiliated by the judges' critique & I pity him so much on that. Let's just wait and see.

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