Friday, April 5, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Classic Rock Night

Yesterday night balik2 kerja I terus masak, and I was rushing like nobody's business just to catch up with the show. As usual laa kan, mesti rushing punya semata2 nk tengok my favourite show ni ^__^

I will usually watch the 8pm show sbb I sampai rumah from office pun dah around 6pm, then I nak kena settlekan hal2 rumah such as cooking & cleaning, so mmg x sempat nak tengok the first show. So lepas masak & kemas semalam, me & hubby pun tengok sama2.

Choosing 'Classic Rock night' as their theme this week, all of the contestants performed songs from rock and roll genre. I suka genre ni sbb I mmg suka rock, but as I expected mesti dorang x pandai pilih lagu & mmg betul pun, their songs this week masih lagi lagu2 yang memboringkan except for Angie. She sang Evanescene song "Bring me to life", which is a song more modern than any of the others.. Mmmm, good choice Angie, but tu pun di kira old song jugak... Banyak lagi lagu2 fresh in the market, they all mesti choose lagu lama jugak... Ni jer yg I kurang puas hati about AI.. So, mcm biasa I wont elaborate much on each of the contestants, except for those in my favorite lists.

This week there were 2 performances each had to make. Solo & duo. So during the 1st round, Burnell Taylor sang a song from Bonjovi, "You give love a bad name", which was one of my all time favorite childhood song. To me, he delivered well & my husband too, thought it was good. But based on the judges feedback, they appeared not really satisfied with his performance & they thought Rock is not his thing at all. Well in that point I setuju sgt ngn judges sbb Burnell mmg sesuai nyanyi lagu R&B je but this week performance of his to me was amazing & not flat at all, but the media & judges told the public the other way around. Of course Burnell x boleh lawan the legendary Bonjovi but his vocals mmg terbaik & sentiasa terbaik. Kalau tengok persembahan dia malam ni mmg weird sbb dia bukan rock artist tapi kalau just listen and focus to his vocal, mmg best.

You be the judge, Was it good?

During the duo performance, Burnell was teamed up with Candice & sang a song from Joe Cockers "The Letter". Judges asek puji Candice jer, so x nampak lah macam Burnell ni shines sgt in this performance, at least to the judges perspectives. But my eyes, they were on Burnell all the time.

He's always good, hands down

And mcm biasa lepas give review pasal Burnell, I mesti akan give review pasal Angie. Heheh... diaorang 2 org je favorite I.. Yang lain sgt membosankan but I dont deny that they are all very good in what they r doing.

So Angie masa 1st round nyanyi duet with Lazaro, the famous "Crazy little thing called love" from the band Queen. Lagu ni mmg famous & mmg sedap but again, sgt lamaaaaa.... Diaorang ni suka sgt buat AI mcm cite kuno, target audience dorang macam orang tua je, sbb theme mesti bosan and classic... Jarang nk dpt tengok theme yg fresh & modern. Padahal dh banyak artis2 baru kt sana.

Angie sgt best mlm ni. Vocal dia menonjol & she was shining more than Lazaro did.

During her solo performance, Angie sang "Bring me to life" from the band Evanescence. I was finally excited dengan lagu yang modern mcm ni. Baru lah best dengar lagu2 modern. Kita ni dah zaman 2013 masih lg ker nk korek lagu2 classic setiap kali buat persembahan. Entah lah dorang ni. So anyway, Angie tak berapa best sgt lah this time. I x berapa suka. She didnt delivered it as much powerful as Amy from Evanescence did. Mcm control jer vocal dia, tak nak tarik tinggi2 & played safe. She looks like a rock chick but sorry, rock is not really her thing. Mcm judges cakap, dia sesuai nyanyi sambil main piano, as much as Im tired of hearing them said that, I kinda agree.

Mula2 dah best dah. Chorus part, nah, too safe..

Malam ni keputusan akan keluar... Cant wait! I suspected Lazaro akan keluar this time but I think Burnell pun last week at bottom 3 so Im very nervous!! 

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