Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Where women have no doctor";- Info terbaik 'mesti baca' untuk kaum wanita!


Read in PDF/Online:- http://en.hesperian.org/hhg/Where_Women_Have_No_Doctor

Today as I was googling on one of my 'stuffs'- which is a duty I do everyday (biasa lah, cari knowledge itu-ini), I stumbled upon a site or better known as a 'Body' @ Organization which creates a series of books containing informative knowledge pertaining to human's health care & I couldn't resist to share such a wonderful thing to my readers. The best part is, these books can be downloaded & read straight-away from your computer.

Each of the book's title has its own focus, for example the one which I stumbled upon was titled "Where women have no doctor" - clearly tells us it's all about women's health care. Ada juga a title for dental care, men's health care & a few others. Maybe ramai yang dah tahu tentang site @ buku2 ni but unfortunately for me, I just discovered it today ;-) Tapi like the wise man says, 'better late than never', means in my case, 'lebih baik tahu sekarang daripada tak tahu langsung'. Heh.. Heh..

So, anyway.. I was actually googling and trying to find some infos about pelvic and uterus, and the stuffs related to our reproductive system.. tiba2 jumpa this site & the opening words in this "Where women have no doctor" book sgt2 menarik perhatian I & I kept on reading till I felt some sort like an attachment to this book.

Opening ayat tu macam ni:-

"Around the world, millions of women live in rural or urban areas ‘where there is no doctor’ or where health care is not affordable. Many women suffer and die needlessly because they lack access to health care and clear, useful information about their health.

This book is written for these women, and for anyone interested in improving women’s health. Using simple language and hundreds of pictures, it provides information about a wide range of women’s health problems. We hope that everyone—girls, women, and health workers—will find it useful, even life-saving. Our goal is to provide this information to as many women as possible, in as many places as possible" 

Dekat part ayat "health care is not affordable" tu, I dah tertarik dah. Of course kita x duduk di rural or urban area, tapi sometimes living cost kita yang tinggi ni pun boleh buat kita bankrap. Zaman skrg ni semua nya mahal termasuk penjagaan dan rawatan kesihatan. So bila dia tulis macam tu, I tertarik nak tahu what this book got to offer as an alternative of getting a more affordable treatment and care.

Ternyata, tajuk nya sahaja dah melambangkan buku ni akan mengajar kita info2 kesihatan wanita supaya kita boleh membuat rawatan sendiri atau bersiap sedia menghadapi pelbagai jenis penyakit. Sebelum kita berjumpa dengan doktor, adalah lebih baik kita tahu sendiri tentang tubuh badan kita & jenis2 penyakit supaya kita tak terlalu bergantung dengan doktor.

There is another reason why I love this type of read. Selepas I miscarried hari tu, I dpt macam2 masalah kewanitaan & setiap kali I pergi klinik swasta & berjumpa doktor, I find it very hard to explain myself to the doctor on what actually happens. Doktor swasta kadang-kala x pasti apa sakit yang kita alami & kalau dpt doktor lelaki, lagi lah dia predict yang lain dari sakit yang sebenar. Sebab dia x dpt tengok & check Miss V kita. Once, I even met with a lady doctor who even had a look at my Miss V tapi still couldnt figure out what happened & ended up predicted wrongly.

I straight-away pergi hospital kerajaan, 1x tengok atau explain sikit je, terus Doctor tu faham & diagnosed correctly. Kalau I x pergi hospital, I dont know what will happen to me. But the problem is, nak pergi hospital bukan senang. Satu, dia jauh. Satu lagi, dia ramai org & ambil masa yang lama utk jumpa doctor, & kena apply cuti dan sebagainya.

That's why in my opinion it's best we know some knowledge supaya kita tahu what's going on with our body.

Jom kita tengok apa ada dalam buku ni:-

Overall, there are 31 chapters under this title. To make it easier for you, the link provided below each picture will brings u directly to its actual page. Check it out!

Please click on the picture to enlarge.

Chapter 1: Click Here Chapter 2: Click Here Chapter 3: Click Here Chapter 4: Click Here Chapter 5: Click Here  Chapter 6: Click Here Chapter 7: Click Here Chapter 8: Click Here                                         

Chapter 9: Click Here Chapter 10: Click Here  Chapter 11: Click Here Chapter 12: Click Here  Chapter 13: Click Here Chapter 14: Click Here  Chapter 15: Click Here Chapter 16: Click Here  

Chapter 17: Click Here Chapter 18: Click Here  Chapter 19: Click Here Chapter 20: Click Here  Chapter 21: Click Here Chapter 22: Click Here  Chapter 23: Click Here Chapter 24: Click Here

Chapter 25: Click Here Chapter 26: Click Here  Chapter 27: Click Here Chapter 28: Click Here  Chapter 29: Click Here Chapter 30: Click Here   




Chapter 31: Click Here

So my fellow beloved sisters out there! Hope anda akan godek2 dekat website ni & gain useful infos about ourselves k! All the best! ;-) *Wink

P/S: Kindly let me know if any link doesnt work

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