Sunday, April 14, 2013

American Idol 2013 - Top 6 Elimination

I took quite some time to update on this :-P As most people know, the result always delay in Malaysia and we got to watch the result show on Fridays every week while in US people got to watch it on Thursdays. But being an IT savvy person(jangan marah), I got to know the result in advance before it was aired on Friday. What's the use of google, right? Ehehe... (IT Savvy lah sangat)

So hari Jumaat at office I pun google about the result and came to know that Lazaro Arbos was the one eliminated from the top 6, and now the top 5 semuanya perempuan, Kree, Candice, Angie, Amber & Janelle. How cool is that? Dah lama sangat perempuan tak ambil takhta sebagai winner of AI. Macam semua orang tahu, AI dah bertahun2 previously lelaki yang menang.  This time around, girls are showing their claws. GIRL POWER!

So back to Mr. Arbos. Masa dapat tahu result tu I couldn't help but to feel relief. I thought, "finally!!!" If you are my blog readers, mesti you all pun tahu I never fancy Lazaro. Tapi I never thought that his elimination will leave me crying and sobbing like nobody's business (I have a soft heart after all, puke!)

Mmg seriously, menangis 'gila' tengok dia keluar. Sedih sbb he's a very special person. But we have to admit, he is not strong enough to compete with the girls. Takpe lah, banyak orang yang best2 dah lama terkeluar pun, yang lagi best dari Lazaro pun ada (Burnell, Devin & Curtis) tapi we still managed to deal with it.

So skrg it's down to top 5. Amber was also in bottom 2 that night. Tapi I yakin it's not her turn to be eliminated this week. However, I have a strong feeling that she won't be in the final top 2 or 3, sebab Kree, Angie & Candice got a lot of voters and have never been in the bottom line ups while Amber has been there a couple of times. I predicted Janelle will be going home this week. We'll see what the America thinks.

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