Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hadramawt Palace at Jalan Bukit Bintang (Arabian Food Terbaikk!!)

Haiyo! Semalam ada dinner date dengan hubby dekat Hadramawt Palace, Jalan Bukit Bintang. Sangat sedap okay! They serve 100% Arabian food here, 2 thumbs up! Alhamdulillah ada rezeki nak makan luar. Asek2 masak kat rumah je kan? ;-)

Saje lah nak share ngan kawan2 mana tahu you all nak try.

So gambar restoren tu dari luar:-

Ni lah restoren tu. Terletak just berdepan dengan Prince Court Hospital, Jalan Bukit Bintang. You all boleh pergi ke website nya di "" dan find out all the infos. Kalau takut sesat, view the map here. Actually me & Hubby pun sesat semalam, we wanted to go here but ended up in Al-Rawsha restaurant nearby to Desa Pandan road towards Time Square. Penat patah balik, hehehehe...

This was hubby's menu, which is called "Lamb Kabsa". Rasa nasi nya sangat sedap (bentuk nya panjang2, I guess ni lah dipanggil nasi bukhari, though Im not too sure) tapi lamb jenis yang hubby pilih ni kurang sikit sbb it's boiled & I x suka boiled. Untuk menu hubby harga nya around RM20+. My choice was "Lamb Mandy" - iaitu nasi & lamb juga but it's grilled - Kambing Bakar. Nyums... Dan harga lebih kurang sama dengan menu hubby. Marks? 7 Out of 10! For drinks, hubby ordered arab tea, while I had a mango juice. Harga tak pasti untuk tea but my mango juice RM8. Dua2 terbaik but its tea?Beyond marvelous. Ada rasa pudina sikit, hmmm, refreshing ;-) (Sorry, Im pathetic in describing food, u all kena pergi rasa sendiri ya!)
Yang ni Lamb Kebab. Kami mmg gila kambing pada malam tu. Hahaha... This one is superb, 10 out of 10 Marks = Full Marks ler!!! :D Makan dengan roti macam roti canai but way delicious and big. Kalau pergi lagi I will order this one again. Superb. Harga tak ingat, sorry kawan2. Sedap sgt tak amek port dah pasal harga :-P
The inside of the restaurant, and this is the view from our table. Family yang duduk depan kitaorang ni seriously bising. Macam zoo dah dibuatnya :-P Tak aman orang nak makan!! Hmmm...
And this is the face of a happy wife ^______^

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