Monday, April 8, 2013

The Croods ~ Terbaik!!!

Last Saturday, macam biasa lah, me & hubby's usual outing at night was going out for a movie. Hari Sabtu lah hari yang paling di nanti-nantikan every week sbb I love going out with hubby sooo much ^_^

At first I wanted to watch "The Host" or "Olympus has fallen", but Hubby opted for "The Croods". My friends cakap cerita tu mmg best gila, so I said, why not? As long as dapat tengok wayang dengan hubby dah happy sgt dah ^___^ So, earlier that day hubby bought the ticket via online..senang je, sampai dkt counter nanti just give the booking number & ta-daa, they all akan bagi the ticket, sangat hassle-free.. Lepas tu he sms me the booking number, I was very surprised sbb ingat x jadi tengok wayang that night. Sbb mula2 pun dia cakap dia tak nak keluar, prefer duduk rumah. Macam2 hubby I ni. Buat surprise last minute. Of course happy Lah aku :-P

The movie started at 10.15pm but we were still queuing up at the pop corn counter, hahaha... Sampai kena marah Encik hubby dengan I sbb degil sgt nak beli pop corn although movie dah nak start.

Lucky for us, when we finally got our pop corns & entered our cinema, the movie havent started yet & masih tengah iklan.

The croods, dari awal sampai habis mmg best sangat. Here are the synopsis:-

"The Croods tells the story of the world's first family road trip. When their cave is destroyed, the Crood family must embark on a comedy adventure into strange and spectacular territory in search of a new home. As if patriarch Grug (Cage) didn't already have enough to handle, it goes from bad to worse when they encounter an imaginative nomad named Guy (Reynolds.) With Guy's help the Croods conquer their fear of the outside world and discover that they have exactly what it takes to survive - each other.(c) Paramount" - source:

Cerita ni mengimbas kembali zaman orang gua, so we are presented with "The Croods" family who were one of those cave men masa tu. Starting cerita, dia tunjuk how "The Croods" memburu utk mendapatkan makanan. It was so funny how all of them chased a bird's egg semata2 utk makan bersama2. It was such a survival episode. Lepas gua mereka di musnahkan oleh natural disaster, they fight to find a new home & discover new hope during the journey. Mmg kelakar sgt isi2 dalam cerita tu, full of comedy. Banyak parts yang I ketawa non-stop & ada parts yang I shed tears. Hubby cakap I tengok cerita cartun mana pun akan nangis kalau ada sad parts. Lol...

I highly recommend this movie to all of you yang suka comedy, boleh juga bawa anak2.. Macam kami, kami bawak anak2 tekak kami, so ketawa lah bagai nak rak guna anak tekak masing2. Hahaha.. ok, it aint funny tasha.. :-P
Voices behind this movie characters pun famous2. 

For example, The voice for Grug was Nicholas Cage:-

 And the voice for Eep was Emma Stone:-

Emma Stone punya muka x terang in this picture. This one better:-

Kenal kan? ;-) The modern Spiderman's gf :-P

Also ada Ryan Reynolds, whose voice was used for Guy character in this movie:-

Character yang I paling suka dalam "The Croods" ni is Belt The Sloth:-

 Comel gila Belt ni...... ^_________^

And Chunky the Tiger. At one part dia buat muka comel dia, mmg comel gila. Dia ni garang and asek nk makan "The Croods" je tapi in the end jadi pet kepada Grug. Hehehe...

The best part is, the sound track "OST" for this movie is sang by our very own Yuna.

Yuna & Owl City to be exact. They sang "Shine your way" together & this song is the official OST for this movie. Our very own YUNA. Proud of her for bringing up Malaysia's name di persada dunia.

 "Shine Your way", Owl City ft Yuna, The Croods OST.

2 Thumbs up! Jgn lupa tengok yer kawan2... ^_____^

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