Saturday, April 20, 2013

American Idol 2013 - top 5 elimination

Last night the show was on in Star World channel and I got to watch just a bit of this result show. Tak dapat tengok the whole show sebab I was occupied with something else.

This week Janelle was the one eliminated. I wasn't surprised with that, as everyone knows that all the other top 4 contestants are very much stronger contenders than Janelle is. So in a way, I thought that this was really predictable.

But what surprised me was Kree being in the bottom 2. I had a chat with my mom later (my mom pun sangat suka AI & ikut this show too) and she said she wasn't surprised at all on the Kree part bcuz Kree is a country singer & nowadays people are more into modern genres. I couldn't agree more.

This proves that anybody could be in the bottom 2. Now it's down to top 4 contestants; Angie, Candice, Amber & Kree. If Kree had been in the bottom 2, I believe Angie has a bit more chance to win this after all. Bcuz I thought the show has planned for Kree to win. Let's see what happens at the end. I'm quite happy with the result this week, but being a soft-hearted person (puke) I still cried when Janelle goes.


Veronica said...

Ha ha ha! Me too, I was expecting Janelle to be eliminated and there she goes!

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

Hi Veronica. Thanks for placing a comment.

Who do you root for? I go for Angie! ❤

Veronica said...

I am Team #Candice :)

Sweetheart Mama Papa said...

I love her too! Anybody who wins let it be Angie or Candice! ❤